Twenty Minutes

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Chapter 47: Twenty Minutes

At exactly 8 o'clock, Aunt Eve was back at my house, dressed in a lavender workout suit. She had three extras draped across her arms, one for each of us.

"I have to go to?"

"Well duh, Tia. I wasn't going to leave you here." Handing me the pink outfit, I hold each piece up to examine them.

"Aunt Eve, these are tube tops."

"I know, aren't they cute? They had a bunch of them in this new shop in Cali. So I bought a few in each of your sizes." My aunt laughs, giving Mari and Lilian their outfits as well. "Hurry and get dressed."


"Now Marinette. You invited Damien, did you not?"

"Yes. He's on his way." Marinette huffs, continuing to run. "Can I stop now?"

"No. Keep going." Lilian cheers her on, eating a bag of chips on the side.

"Why- aren't you running too?"

"Aunt Eve only said we had to do twenty minutes. Time was up." I giggle, pulling up the shirt front.

Reaching over, I take a few chips from Lilian, putting them in my mouth. I look straight ahead, noticing Damien walk into the area.

"Hi. Sorry I'm late." He speaks, his voice husky. "I was finishing up some work."

"It's fine." I speak for Marinette, who was out of breath as Aunt Eve sped up the treadmill.

"You must be the famous Damien. I've heard about you online." Aunt Eve shakes his hand, looking him up and down.

"I hope you think good things of me."

"Only good things. You're a very handsome man, I can see why they like you."

"They?" Damien questions, looking over at me.

I mouth to him that she's not talking about me and he nods, looking back at her.

"The public." My aunt clarifies, looking back to me as well. "Tia honey. Take this man somewhere. I don't want Marinette to be distracted."

"Um, okay. Come on."

Standing up, I link my arm with Damien's, taking him to a different section as Lilian follows suit.

"Hi Tia." He says in a singsong voice, smiling down at me.

"Hi Damien." I mock, copying his actions.

"Hey Lilian." Lilian deadpans, looking between the two of us. "I'm here too."

"Sorry. Hey, Lilian." Damien waves to her, making her grin.

"Thank you."

"So what do you want to do? We could-"

I get cut off by Damien pulling his sweatshirt over his head, leaving him in a tank top.

"Pull up your shirt." He mumbles, looking my in my eyes.

I hurry to pull it up, embarrassment by the outfit I was wearing.

"This is nice though. Who bought it?" Damien chuckles, pushing his hands in my back pockets. He starts tapping my behind, humming to himself.

"My aunt. And just because they can't see us doesn't mean you should do it." I try to pull away but he grips onto me, making me gasp. "Damien."

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