What Is It

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Chapter 27: What Is It

"Take him home, please?"

"Aren't you guys going to the same place?"

"Yeah but they're heavy." Skai groans, slinging Killian's arm over her shoulder.

"I have to bring Lilian now though, thanks to them. She's complicated." I complain while grasping onto Lilian's arm, walking her out the door.

"You're so mean."

"Thanks." I wink, turning my car on and allowing Lilian to sit before buckling her seat beat.

Leaning over her a bit more to close it, I hear someone whistle from behind me.

"Damien no!" Skai shrieks, and when I turn around, she slaps him on the arm.

"Okay. I'll see you guys later!"

"Only if I don't die!" Skai yells back to me, walking towards a gray car. She struggles with Damien and Killian, groaning out in frustration.

"Stop laughing, Tia!" She glares in my direction before sticking the middle finger up and I copy.



"Ah shit!" Lilian cries out before I hear a thud.

"What are you doing in there?" I ask her as I walk past her room.

I hear her start cursing again before the door opens and Lilian looks back at me, her hair sticking up.

"I fell. And my head hurts."

"Take a pill." I mumble, leaving her behind to go downstairs.

Surprisingly, my parents were already seated on the couch, talking about something on the television.

"Hey, honey."

"Hi Carmen." I wave to them, laughing under my breath. My mom glares at me, taking her glasses off in the process.

"Tia. Ava. James." She stresses each word, her voice getting deeper.

I start chuckling nervously, think I'm about to get yelled at.

"Yes, mom?"

"Is there a boy upstairs?" She laughs at my face, raising an eyebrow.

"No. Why?"

"Either that or your eczema is acting up again." She mumbles, still staring at me. "Your neck is dark."

My mom points, making circles with her finger. As if on instinct, my hand reaches up to touch the area and I curse under my breath.

"I'm guessing it was a boy then? Awe, my baby." She coos, turning to face my dad.

"Dad..." I stress, tilting my head to plead with him. "Make her stop."

"I want to meet the guy. You know, have a little chat." He shrugs, making air quotes with the word 'chat'.

"There is no guy."

"So you're just letting anybody do that to you?"

"No mom. I don't even know how that got there." I lie, continuing to cover the spot.

"What ever you say, honey. But when you decide to let me know, bring him over." My mom winks before patting my dad's leg.

Rolling my eyes at her, I walk back up the stairs, forgetting what I came down for in the first place. Walking into Lilian's room, I throw myself onto her on my back, placing my hands on either side of me.

"Get off."

"Lili. You would not believe."

"Believe what?"

"I have a hickey." I whisper, still loud enough for her to hear.

"You're right, I don't believe it, get off so I can see."

I slide off to the right side of the bed, tilting my neck up to give her a view.

"You have more than one actually. Did Damien do all that?" Lilian's eyes widen, nodding her head slowly. "Daddy goals."


"Oh come on. We both know you thought it too."

"Did not." I mutter, puffing my cheeks. Lilian rolls her eyes at me while standing up off the bed.

"Yeah right. Just cover it with concealer. Or foundation."

"I don't use foundation."

"Oh right! Well, no worries, I have mine." She pulls a small box out her purse, shaking it around. "It's probably a bit dark for you though but that's okay."

"Or I could just leave it?"

"And let everyone see that Damien marked you? Well damn, you're brave." Lilian clicks her tongue and I pull my sweater up higher.

"Marinette won't notice right?" I question, my voice rising.

"Doubt it. But even if she did, she won't think it's her fiancé's doings. She'll probably just think: "oh look, somebody claimed my sister. She's taken." And the whole time we'll know and be like: "yeah. She's Damien's now. Surprising, isn't it?" Okay?" Lilian mocks my sister with a higher voice, walking around the room.

"You're evil."

"I know. But you love it."

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