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Chapter 21: Looks

Struggling to unzip the back of my dress, I finally slip out of it and hang it up in the closet. I notice a fuzzy pajama on the other side and take it out.

The dress was pale blue with furry cuffs and a furry rim. Putting my head through it, I come back out with a few strands of my hair coming loose. Not bothering to put on socks, I leave the room, making my way downstairs.

Damien was already sitting on the couch, no shirt on. I didn't acknowledge him, walking straight into the kitchen.

I hear footsteps following behind me as I reach into one of the cupboards to grab a teabag and a box of cake mix.

"What are you doing?"

"Making cookies and drinking tea. What about you?" I deadpan, tilting my head slightly to face him.

"Aren't you going to bed? It's almost midnight." Damien crosses his arm inspecting me. I walk past him to the coffee maker, pouring water inside and turning it on.

"You're asking me an awful lot of questions." I giggle, patting his chest and moving back to the cupboard to get a bowl.

"It's just weird. Marinette would be in her bed by now."

"Well, I'm not Marinette. Am I?" Opening the fridge, I take out the rest of the ingredients, opening the cake mix.

"That you aren't." He chuckles, moving closer behind me. "How does that work?"

"Less to no water. Makes it thicker." I shrug, stirring the contents. Damien reaches over my shoulder, taking the spoon out of my hand.

He quickly wipes his finger across and licks it, handing the spoon back to me.

"You're one of those people?"


"Who eats raw cake batter?"

"Yeah, I guess." Damien shrugs, leaning back against the counter.


"Great minds think alike, then."


"Want a piece?"

"Sure. Put it in my mouth." Damien points up and I throw it in his direction.

He swiftly moves his body, catching it in his mouth. I clap, smiling widely as he scrunches his nose up at me, squinting his eyes.

"Me next."

"You know you can't catch." He stresses, giving me a straight face.

"You're right, just pass it." I lean forward and he stretches to put it in my mouth.

Before I can get a chance to pull away, Damien grabs my face in his hand, squishing my cheeks.

"What kind of tea did you make?"

"Lemon and green tea. Why?" I murmur, making him laugh at the sound.

"It's good. You should feed me more often."

"Does Marinette not cook for you?" He finally lets me go and I work my face muscles.

"She cooks things I don't eat."

"Like what?"

"Pork burgers? Do you eat those?" Damien shudders, taking a sip of his tea.

"I don't eat pork."

"Me neither."

"Well, my parents grew me up eating only fish, turkey, and chicken." I put a finger up with each item, listing them.

"Relatable. Tell me more about yourself."

Damien and I continued talking until it was two o'clock and I started yawning.

"You've done that?"

"Yeah. Marinette and I made a bet, so I licked her fish tank." I turn to the sink, washing the dishes. Damien stands beside me, walking my movement.

"That's disgusting."

"Yeah. But I got her month's savings, so who really lost there?"

"You tell me."

"It was her." I smirk, my voice rising with excitement.

Turning the water off, I turn to face Damien, watching him carefully. Damien bends down slightly to match my height, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What are you doing?" My breathing halters and he bites his lip, trapping me between his body and the counter. "You must be tired, time for bed."

"I'm not tired." His eyes dilate as he inspects me closely.

"Well, I am."

"Stay right here."

Damien lifts me up onto the counter and I yawn again.

"What are you about to do, sir?"

"Take a wild guess." He mumbles, kissing my forehead. My eyes widen in shock before he makes his way down to my lips, kissing me deeply.

I try my best to push him off but soon feel myself kissing him back. It felt extremely awkward as this was my first kiss, and I'm guessing he felt it too.

"What's wrong?"

"That was my first kiss."

"Let me help you then." He comes back in to kiss me again, this time guiding me in my movements. His tongue soon glides across my lips and I give him access, allowing him to deepen the kiss.

I soon feel his hands on my leg, playing with the hem of my underwear, making me gasp before pulling away from him, jumping off the counter.

"Did I do-" Damien looks at me as I fumble with the kitchen door.

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm going to go to sleep." Finally getting the door open, I run upstairs and into my room, locking the door behind me.

I hear Damien's footsteps follow shortly after before he knocks on the door.


"Good night!" I call back to him in a singsong voice, hoping he would go away.

"Talk to me, please." He begs, knocking again.

"Go to bed, please."

"We'll talk in the morning."

I hear him walk away and I turn to lay on my stomach, resting my face in my palms.

My phone buzzes from under the pillow and I take it out, already having an idea of who it was.

Damien: I know that was wrong. I couldn't help it though but that's no excuse. I'm sorry.
Damien: Please don't hate me.
Damien: Talk to me.

Sitting up again, I push myself out of the bed and leave the room. Walking down the hall, I knock on Damien's door and he opens it immediately, staring down at me.

"I'm sorry." He says again, opening the door wider for me to enter.

I nod, making a straight face that ended up puffing my cheeks up and he chuckles a bit.

Damien moves to lay back down on his bed, patting the space next to him.

"I really don't think that's a good idea."

"You didn't say that the last time. I promise I won't touch you." He holds his hands up in defense, winking.

I shake my head at him, going to lay down in the spot next to him.

He throws the duvet over both of us, adjusting his body.

"You said you weren't going to touch me." I mumble when I feel his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I lied then."

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