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Chapter 45: Sweetly

"I wanna hold you. When I'm not supposed to. When you're lying close to someone else."

"You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it. If I could- I forgot the rest, Tia baby." Sophie looks up at me and I pause the music.

"If I could do it all again, I know I'd go back to you." I sing for her and she cheers, looking mesmerized.

"Angel? You're singing is very pretty."

"Thank you, Sophie." I bow slightly, lifting her up. "Would you like candy?"

"Do you have lollipops?" She questions, looking over into my bag.

Sitting down with her still in my arms, I pull out a bag of lollipops, opening it for her.

"Ah! You have the cherry ones. And these are huge." Sophie gasps, unwrapping it.

I take one out as well, unwrapping it and putting it in my mouth.

Sophie and I play games on my phone as we wait for Damien to enter, and he comes out with his hair damp.

"Sorry I kept you two waiting." He chuckles, looking down at the two of us.

"It's okay, Uncle Damien. Tia and I were playing Subway Surfers."

"That sounds nice. And what is Tia doing right now?" Damien coos, sitting down next to us. He puts Sophie's dangling legs across his, leaning over to look closely at the both of us.

I turn my head to avoid his gaze, feeling my face heat up at how close he was.

"She's eating a lollipop. Would you like one?" Sophie giggles, putting the candy back in her mouth.

My hands remain wrapped around Sophie's torso to keep her from slipping as Damien reaches up, pulling on the stick. He continues to tug gently before I let it go, a popping sound coming from me.

Damien sticks the lollipop in his mouth, raising an eyebrow at me. His eyes glint with a weird look and I find myself looking at him for a longer time than I wanted, neither of us looking away.

"No thanks, Soph. I have one right now." Damien chuckles, smirking at me.

"Can we read the book now uncle?"

"I was thinking you could sing for me? I like the song you were singing earlier." Damien explains to her, making Sophie jump off of us.

"Okay. Tia baby, come on." Sophie pulls on my arm, handing me an imaginary microphone.

"Why, Soph?" I question, pretending to take it from her.

"Because you sing pretty. Now sing." She giggle, taking a deep breath.

Damien bites his lip, examining me as I sigh. "Yeah, Tia. Sing."

Quickly playing the music on my phone, Sophie starts singing and dancing around me, singing at the same time as me.

"I wanna hold you, when I'm not supposed to. When I'm lying close to someone else." I sing nervously, watching the little girl wave her arms back and forth.

"You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it. If I could do it all again," I hear Damien mumble, the lollipop still in his mouth.

"I know I'd go back to you."

Sophie starts vocalizing cutely, running over to Damien to place her forehead on his.

"I'd go back to you. I'll go back to you. I know I'd go back to you." She sings, moving him back and forth.

The song ends soon after and I sit back down next to Sophie. Damien look across to me, laughing softly as his gray eyes sparkle.

He seems happy.

"I like that song." He tells me, the corner of his mouth lifting.

"Me too."


"Sophie, letto." (Bed)

"But I don't wanna go to bed."

"Vai a letto. Adesso." (Go to bed. Now) Damien's voice deepen as he glares at her, making her squint.

"Fine..." Sophie runs away to go upstairs, pouting.

"Thank you."

When she's gone, Damien turns back to me, smirking.

"We're alone."

"I noticed." I deadpan, raising an eyebrow. "Teach me Italian. Please."

"What would you like to know?" Damien shifts his body to face me, resting his face in his palm.

"Basic things. Features maybe?"

He hums in response, thinking to himself before speaking about.

"Face is faccia or you could say viso. Smile is sorriso. Hair is capelli." He states, reaching over to touch my hair.


"Bella means beautiful. Um, your thigh is coscia." Damien mutters, moving his hand down, placing it on my leg. "Happy would be felice or contento. As in 'tu mi rendi felice'." (You make me happy)

"Interesting. One more." I giggle, staring him in his eyes.

Damien runs his hand up to hold my waist, pulling me closer.

"Can I kiss you? Posso baciarti?" He mumbles, brushing his lips against mine.

Nodding, he crashes his lips onto mine, forcefully kissing me. I smile, trying my best to keep up as he goes faster.

Damien tried to ask for entrance but I pull away, feeling flustered.

A laugh from the top of the staircase makes us both look up, Damien scowling.

"Sophie, I said to take a nap."

"You didn't say when though."

"Do you want me to bring you home?" Damien threatens, making her green eyes widen.

"No, Uncle Damien. Please!" She cries out, running away to go to his room.

"That's what I thought."


Author's Note:

Quick question,

Do you think this is moving too fast or is it okay?

I'm not sure but for some reason I had a feeling that maybe their relationship was developing a bit quick, or maybe it isn't? I don't really know.

Thank you, bye!

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