Will Byers gif imagine(2)

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(will the wise is soo cuteeeee!!!)

(will the wise is soo cuteeeee!!!)

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I had feelings ...

feelings for one of the best friends that i had ever had..

i tried to push those feelings away but every time i see him smile..

they just come back and stronger..

I felt numb..numb but in love..

I had to do something so i decided to pay him a visit ..he was sat in his room..

Sat with his back to the bed frame...his legs crossed ,his doe eyes focusing and his pink lips slightly parted while he concentrated on his drawing...

i knocked on the door and cleared my throat..

he instantly looked up his hazel eyes now planted on me instead of the paper masterpiece he drew..

He smiled..

and i smiled back..

i walked in and sat in front of the boy ...

He showed me the drawing he had made it was a picture of him and the rest of our party..

there was mike,lucas,eleven,dustin,him and me...

it was so amazingly drawn i could have seen it and thought it was a photo!!

i smiled and said it looked amazing...

we hung it up on his wall and plopped on his bed..

i took a deep breathe and said...

"Will there is something i need to tell you or maybe um..show you?!"

He got  up looking serious and turned to face me..our bodies a few centimetres apart..

i gulped and leaned  in ..

and put my lips on his..

he didn't kiss at first at the shock but then he started kissing back..his hand snaking to my cheek as mine went around his neck..pulling him closer to me..

We pulled back blushing like crazy as i hid my face in my hands ..

he pulled them away and hugged me..

i buried my head into his shoulder..and he whispered..

"Im so happy you feel the same way!"

I pulled away and kissed his cheek..

"Why wouldn't i will?"

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