Nothing?~Will Byers

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I got this idea from the mike wheeler imagine by @-willthewise-

Thank you so much for letting me use the story line as a base!!

The original title by the author was  called sunshine girl and her darkness..

WARNING:If you don't like topics such as self harm,depression,anxiety and angst please do Not read this imagine as this is based largely around these things ...


There was something wrong about will lately..He wasn't his usual happy self ,begging everyone to play d and d ,painting and getting art supplies  everywhere 

screaming the lyrics of random songs on the top of his lungs with his girlfriend y/n loud that they  were practically screaming..

 and eating ice cream with each other when it was raining and drinking hot chocolate in the heat..

There was none of that

He just looked empty now.. There was no happiness in his hazel coloured eyes..and no youth in his voice..

Ever since the mind flayer was back and they had realised there was much more to it than closing a gate..he just wasn't himself..They  can't blame him it was truly terrifying being in the upside down for just 5 minutes whereas he had been in there for a whole week..

He still had his episodes even though they had became more frequent than ever now..

His optimistic girlfriend y/n  was confined to sorting this situation out.. She called Mike,Will,Dustin,Max and Lucas ..As Eleven already lived with her..They all eagerly accepted..all but one,Will..

He eventually gave in hoping to make his girlfriend happy like he always is...and bicycled to her home without regretting his decision...

Mike and Dustin were the first to arrive...Mike being enthusiastic to see his girlfriend again and Dustin as he was told that y/n and El had a cat since his got eaten ..and then Eucas shortly followed by Max who gave the young girl a tight hug.. everyone was in their basement setting out a movie to binge.. however someone was still missing..

A noise was heard from the door..Y/N held in  her squeal threw open the wooden door and engulfed her boyfriend in a hug.. and pecked his cheek..he smiled slightly and hugged back ..

She pulled away and looked at her boyfriend..He had ruffled hair and was wearing a dark grey hoodie and sweatpants and had his coat zipped up to his neck..He stood awkwardly as his beau inspected his appearance..She took his soft hand and led him down the stairs..

""GUESSS WHO IS HEREEE CHILDRENNNN?!!!!" She shouted excitedly..

"WILL .."They all shouted laughing..He stood there with his hands in his pockets forcing a smile as he was flooded by cheerful greetings and hugs from his friends..

This made him sad..He had friends who cared for him and a loving family ...Why was he depressed ..It made him feel like he was being selfish..

Of course he wasn't but that is what 

HE felt...

y/n sat next to dustin who was stroking their cat and smiled widely "AHH YOU GUYS IT HAS BEEN FOR E V E R SINCE WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER"

They all chirped back cutting each other off with yesses..and laughs..

While will just sat there not knowing what to do with himself..He was sat on his own seat and fidgeted with his fingers chewing his bottom lip..

max and lucas were curled up together under a blanket and mike and eleven were hugging each other was adorable but made Y/N sad knowing that her and will never did this anymore..

She ignored her feelings and carried on smiling and laughing..

The evening went on as they played game after game and movie after movie while stuffing themselves silly..

Will still hadn't touched a single chip yet and was sat there starting into  thin air..

Y/n was concerned but didn't want to interfere with whatever emotions were going through his mind..

The girls started jumping up and down on the sofas and initiated a pillow fight and it wasn't long before the boys were joining in with them tackling each other down and making feathers fly everywhere..

Will sneaked out thinking that no one would realise and tip toed upstairs and made his way to y/n's room..

He walked down the corridor until  he reached he opened the door he could smell y/n's fragrance already ...the cotton candy purple walls were brightly decorated with photographs and there was rice lights adorning every inch of her twin sized bed which was covered in books and pencils and her walkman which she personalized to be blue..

Everything in her room was either pastel or neon..Then will realised that he was the only dark thing in her brightly decorated room,hell even her life..

The room was warm and he proceeded with caution to take off his tight hoodie gasping for air as it was restricted in the far to small clothing..revealing the black shirt he was wearing underneath..

The only thing was is that y/n had seen the boy going upstairs and went after him...thinking that this was a time to make conversation with the young byer's boy..she was successful in doing so..but was not expecting the sight that was infront of her..  On his upper limbs were..


Deep cuts...

Dozens of them ... in every shade of purple  and red...they surrounded every inch  his pale arms settling a gasp from her lips as she stared wide eyed and tears pricked the side of her eyes threatening to spill...

Y/n quickly covered her mouth but it didn't go unnoticed..Will peered out of the room and saw her figure at the door.. and stared..he didn't know what to do ..She had just found out his dark secret..The secret that not even his mother knew about..

His doe eyes brimmed with bittersweet tears..and soon they started rolling down his already tear-stained face..

Y/N walked up to her boyfriend perched on the end of her bed while he was attempting to grab his jacket and leave the room..She pushed him back down and wrapped her arms around his warm torso..sobbing unconditionally into his shoulder as she inhaled his lovely musky scent..He gave up the struggle and hugged her back resting his chin on hers...They sat there like that for god knows how long..

Y/N was the first to pull back and wiped away the tears from his eyes...she smiled lightly and sniffled..

She took his arm into her soothing hands and traced every single one ,giving each a short kiss before moving on..

Once she was done she looked up into his eyes.. and saw he was smiling a little..

"Is that all.?"She said gently in a respectful tone ... He nodded hesitantly..He had more..but he wasn't going to tell her that..She  was going to go out the room to leave him alone for a little bit..

"Y/N.." He mumbles..

"Yeah.."She whispers back...

He gestures for her to come back to him and she does..He sits her down and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as she felt butterflies fluttering throughout her stomach..He leans in and places his soft lips on hers and she kisses back gently as to not break him..

They pull away from the brief chaté kiss and smile 

It going to be alright and it was going to be because they had each other..

Word Count:

1192 words 

(@HorseGirl1614 i can write large imagines yayyyyy)

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