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After that incident at the party,Me and Noah haven't talked properly in ages...i couldn't stand it! Every time i was close to talking to him..i chickened out and ran off. I needed to talk to him.I don't want us to become distant because of some stupid mark..who cares if we're soulmates, we're best friends, it's always going to stay that way even if we date.

I loved him even though we were just best friends..he had tried too talk to me too, but he always seemed to blush and turn away.

I had to do something.

Me and Noah always had a hang out place..A place we could just sit and watch the stars and feel the rush of the busy roads under us... me, Noah, Millie and Finn used to come here..but it was always just our spot.

i messaged him as i walked home that day...

i re read the message about a million times before i finally pressed send..

'Hey Noah, I know we haven't talked for ages but... meet up at our spot tonight? See you there, y/n :)'

sent at 4:30 pm

Goddamnit i sound so cringyyyyyy.

i walked home.. he probably isn't going to reply.

Hugging my notebooks to my body i walked home.

I forgot my coat and it was freezing! Wow this day is just getting better isn't it?

as i entered the house i felt my phone vibrate..


"Sure , i would love to.. sorry for being so distant lately. meet you there "

i'll tell him the truth i guess.

7:00 pm 

i was sat on lookout hill when noah came over..


"Hey noah!"

i smiled at him as we sat in silence..i took a deep breath, preparing myself to tell him."Noah, i have something to ask you... ""there's something i need to as well." he said rubbing his arm.

"you go first!" i say quickly..

"noo... uh you go first.." he says shoving my shoulder.

"I was.. uh just wondering what are your words" "umm.. i uhh thats what i needed to tell you."

he rolled up his sleeve..."I can't believe baby schnapple is 16... HE MENTALLY ISN'T EVEN 5 YET.....THAT'S ADORABLE!"

I smiled at him and showed him mine.


"we're soulmates.." i say blushing.

"all that time it was you y/n/n." he said smiling at me..

"yeah i guess I was schnipper." 

we sat together for a bit until i said..

"come on noah, we have school tomorrow and it's getting dark, i might head home." i stood up brushing my legs off...

"wait y/n!"

he stood up with me, holding me by my shoulders , making me face towards him..

his nose was a little pink because of the cold breeze and his hazel eyes twinkled in the reflection of the lights.

"can i kiss you?"

"you didn't need to ask for that.."

i pressed my lips on his and he kissed back slowly.. it was my first kiss so i had no clue on what to do..but felt my arms snaking around his neck ... he put his hand on my cheek and put his free arm around my waist.

we pulled away breathless and linked hands walking home .

who would've known my soulmate was my best friend?

word count-560 words

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