Noah Schnapp~Just a dare

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inspired by an imagine by @seasideshawn -

i know the order is messed up but i have been working on this as a draft and that is why the order is mixed BTW -You guys are 17 in this :)

Y/N  Pov:

We were at a party and i was just not into it.You see i am that type of girl that if i had a good book on paper or on wattpad, a warm  drink and savoury or sweet snack i would be happy as a lark.....I hated the adrenaline and the masses of sweaty bodies and the bustling crowd..The bad thing for me is that i am best friends with sadie,millie,finn and noah...And they are all party fanatics except for me and sadie...We are the kids that people would call  introverts and i would say that they are right about that!

 if we wanted to watch a movie ,hey lets watch on netflix..

we wanted food its ok we will just get it delivered.

I was popular and had lots of friends because i wasn't mean to anyone and we all were nice to everyone and not like the other popular gang.. I lied to no o n e !!Even though i had a small secret ...I had a crush on my best friend.....Wowwww I know you are thinking that it was normal but it just wasn't. 

Once in kindergarten/reception he spilt his juice all over my favourite dress and i cried for  hours ,and then the next day he sheepishly came up to me apologised and gave me a red and blue bead bracelet ...I still had the ugly ass bracelet right now and wore it everywhere..

Noah was my best friend  and i had fell deeply in love with him since that incident..i mean how could i not ...

His beautiful hazel doe eyes...his cute little dimples,the way when he is excited his eyes light up..his hands were always soft..he was extremely clever and nice to everyone..Heck he was even nice to the queen bee of school, the primadonna  whatever the hell people call her Rosie Mai Parks..

She was the school's top sports girl and captain of the dance and cheer squad..She had shoulder length blond hair with pink streaks.. and she had an fake  hourglass figure...she had even had botox on her lips to make them look 'fuller' as she called them..but they didn't really they just made her look more desperate them she already did.. She had pretty much dated every single guy in the school and had her eyes now on noah...

ugh why himmm..?!

god i feel bad..for saying that but ...i am just saying the truth to be honest...

every boy was drooling for her ... god even finn :(.  For the party ,i was wearing a simple white turtle neck cropped jumper and a maroon skirt with  black tights and boots..

Anyway ..we were on our way to the party and i was squished up to noah in the car ride..I was blushing hard as our arms were brushing.. he looked at this and smiled..SQUEEEE god i love him so much

(timeskip bc im an actual lazyass brought to you by thomas the tank engine aka what i call one of my male friends at school :))

We arrived at the party and see people making out already in the we just entered the door god..

 jeez this is just another reason added to the very  very long list on why i hated teen parties nose scrunched up as i inhaled the smell of smoke and alcohol mixed togther..making my nostrils flare at the stench.. A girl stood up on a table and announced to the crowd that they are playing truth or dare...we walked towards the living room and i gasped for air as the door opened ..

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