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noah schnapp imagine- lowercase intended.

no warnings.

so you are a teen fashion designer andone day a familiar someone had a photoshoot at the studio you work at >3


i rose up from out of my dressing room.. excited to meet the new person I was going to be styling!

they was apparently my age which was great because i would be able too actually talk without getting judged. i hope.

i was expecting a girl but i was not in any way expecting the boy who was walking towards me,my manager and work colleagues.

he was none other

than noah schnapp..

one of the most trending celebrities on this planet.

and yes i am a fangirl

fight me b****.

i mean he is the definition of 


he flashed me a warm smile and i returned it as he got swarmed by fans wanting autographs..he signed everyone's possessions and him and his boss stood in front of us...

we were a meter away from each other.. and i could see he was tired -he must have been on his feet all day,poor guy,

 he stood slouching slightly and rubbed his eyes but he still looked gorgeous .

"so y/n, you get the privilege of helping one of the greatest teens in the world right now.."my manager said sternly, 

"don't mess this up, the outfit he is wearing for the photoshoot is all yours, this whole photoshoot is going to be ran by y o u. show that you are responsible."

i smiled and said "well hey noah, im y/n im your fashion designer for today."

"wow! i have never actually worked with someone .. actually my age for a photoshoot. this should be fun." he exclaimed shaking my hand. goddamit it was sosososoosooo softttt .

He walked next to me as we headed into the dressing room.

"woahhh.." he gasped excitedly..

"yep all yours! so umm.. i have an outfit for you there.. you can choose between the two .. any of them will do!  one is a hoodie and sort of a casual sort of outfit and the other is a blazer. "

"i'll wear the hoodie thanks y/n.." he beamed at me..

"i'll be outside noah.. just shout once .. you have .. you know.. gotten dressed... because i have to sort of. sort it out before you got out and just fix your hair a little." i said awkwardly blushing..

"okay then .. thank you!" he shouted ,as i closed the door smiling..

a few minutes later , i heard him shout "y/nn im doone!"

"hey noah.. woah."i say gasping.. he looked great ..

i walked to him shutting the door behind me.

"is that a good woah or a bad one?" he said..

i smile saying "a good one silly."

i say "i uh.. may i?" gesturing to his top half ..

he stuttered slightly before saying"yeah sure ..!"

i slowly creased out the wrinkles in the clothing before putting a jacket on him.. i blushed while we had made skin to skin contact.. he was too surprisingly. we then moved onto hair.

it wasn't much, all i did was brush it to one side and spray a little hairspray. we were talking the whole time!

we got to know each other a lot !

i patted his shoulders and  grinned"all done noah!"

"thank you so much y/n.." he said giving me a hug which i returned..

i put two finger together made a clicking noise. "click! see picture perfect!"

we laughed.. "well i can certainly picture us being together y/n.. "

i blushed and smiled... he grabbed my hand gently and wrote his number on it!!


i hope we can be friends y/n  :3!!

he walked away waving

holy shitteeeeeeee i just got a celebrities number.


i hope yall enjoyed this imagineee !!

not proofread bbs xx

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