Oneshot~ Will Byers

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I watched as his eyes scanned me from the side..I felt my cheeks heat up from the romantic tension between us..He was my ex...I can't be thinking this about him..

We were currently stuck in mike's basement..well actually he locked us up in there...I was obviously still in love with him but he wasn't probably.. He cleared his throat and saw his anxious facial expression..

It was a year after our breakup, I was almost numb to any kind of romantic feelings.He was my first love and i was hoping he would be my last..

We were stuck in an awkward silence until Mike slid a piece of paper from under the door...I grabbed it before will did which he stared at me for getting..I then nervously unfolded the letter and read it aloud..


He bit his lip and face palmed.."i uhh..umm..Y/N there's something i need to tell you.."He stutters..I could hear him physically gulp and took my hands in his soft ones as i stared at them and then into his eyes..

"I still kinda like you correction..i still love..e you..uu and mike told me to tell you because umm...i apparently looked mi..serable .."

i smiled at his stutters and pulled his closer to me by the striped shirt he was wearing.."I love you too idiot."

He smiled back and connected his lips to mine..It felt like rain on a summer evening. It was like an explosion of the best flavours in the universe all at once mingling together and creating the best taste and sensation you've ever felt. I was in bliss..

We pulled away and grinned embracing each other in a tight hug../

Its like you're not in your own body anymore and you're in another universe floating. It felt like I could get lost forever in the other person and you're not really sure how, but you are, and it's only through kissing. It was said it was  amazing when with the right person. And the right person was him..

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