Will Byers - Crazy together

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(pretend this takes part in st3)(this was trash cough )

"Hey, if we are both going crazy .. at least we'll be going crazy together right?"

"yeah crazy together"

Will was crazily in love with y/n but couldn't show his feelings.. after he went missing in 1983 .. they had met in the upside down..

He so wanted her to be his.however will was still scarred from the horrible events between his 'father ' lonnie..

He was labelled as 'queer' a 'fag'.He didn't feel accepted..

Mike had a girlfriend.. he was constantly kissing her in public.. who knows what they did in private.

Lucas had max.. 

dustin even had a girlfriend.. suzie.

Seeing his closest friends in love made his small heart ache for it too...

Her heart did too but he didn't know that.

She loved everything about him too..

His hair actually looked good on him.. his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown.. the way his laugh could light up a room..

Love was a weird thing made people do things they wouldn't have dared to do normally.

He was leaving soon..

making y/n feel ...

like half of her was gone..

They had known each other for only a few years in fact but that was enough.

they were at starcourt mall.. max and el had set  her up so she could ask her long term crush out .. they watched from a distance giving her a small thumbs up and a smile..

she held the small envelope in her hands as she was pushed forwards by her best friends.. breathing heavily before approaching the youngest byers boy sitting slumped waiting for his friends to stop talking about girls.....

She stuttered as she passed it to him .. their hands brushing slightly causing y/n to blush brightly..

Will smiled looking up into her stunning e/c eyes.. pink scattered across his cheeks from the eye contact as he opened the letter cautiously..

He unfolded it as y/n chewed nervously on her bottom lip..

Dear will,

i need to tell you something .. and i figured that i may as well say it now.. considering well..

your leaving soon..

I HOPE this won't ruin everything an make it awkward.

i.. uhhh.. reallly.. really .. really like you will

i am telling you this by writing because..

i am too shy.

i hope you like me back and i know this is a trash love letter but.

hey .

:) y/n 

will looked up at the girl that was now bright red with embarrassment.

He held out his hand and she took it.. he pulled her towards him and said..

"im so so happy you feel the same way."

He pulled her in and placed his lips on hers smiling..

She kissed back surprised as they pulled away.

"so uhh.. y/n will you do the honour of being my girlfriend for the .. time being because of you know uh . me mov-"

she cut him off with a sweet peck...

"mhm i would love to will."

"thank god. :)"

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