Just Practice~N.S

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Y/n pov~
Me and noah were currently sat in his trailer playing on his Nintendo, and he was losing because what can i say


im jk..

we were trying to get our minds off what we had to do tomorrow...

twelve ,who i was playing and will had to full on kiss.They were already dating and we had to do a few cheek and lip pecks..but now ..UgH

The duffers explaining it made it more cringe worthy

i mean come on...

you would feel weird as well if they said it would" just be an unusually long smooch than normal with as much passion you two can muster upp!".


I mean i'm not complaining.. have you SEEN the dude..

i actually really like him.


but...one lil smudge in the plan..He is dating this girl , Ocean...pretty name but not pretty character.She literally hates my guts already because i play his love interest..

Anyway we were still playing and then noah groaned and fell backwards onto the setee..I giggled at the boy losing once again and shoved him and he fell on the floor next to the dressing table chair..

He laid there laughing and clutching his elbow while i put the console away and laughed..

I started feeling bad because he actually looked sad now and gripped his wrist in order to support his weight.But god i shouldn't have..

Because the next thing i knew..He had pulled me down and started tickling me... I started laughing and crying at the same time..He knewwww that my weakness was that i was very ticklish..And he wasn't which is soooo annoying.

I begged for him to stop and he did..and we heard the door open..

UGH ocean..

"Hey cuddlebugg!"She cooed..

"umm..hey ocean " he said back 

i started to feel uncomfortable so i started going out and said bye to noah..

"bye y/n/n, i'll see you on set tonight.. " he said beaming at me..

"K then."i said.. yeah yeah i was pissed.

She was his girlfriend.

I was a best friend


But at the same time i wished it would be like a wattpad story or something like..

OoH mY BeSt FrIeNd lIKeS Me bAcCkK

but that just isn't my life at the moment..


I was sat on a wall drinking some water...next to millie until she had to go to film and then i waited for noah..

He came over smiling brightly and looking pleased with himself for something and saw Ocean at the back literally jumping on a plastic cup and crying obnoxiously ..

"Uhh.. noah your girlfriend over there is crying you know.."I said nicely..

"yeh but she isn't my girlfriend" he said laughing..

I spewed  my water.

"WhAt?"i choked coughing.

"I realised i had feelings for someone else..." he said smirking ..

" OoOohH OkAy..who is it?!" I said trying to hide my disappointment.

"im not telling youuuuu!!"he teased playfully blushing,

"Come onnn noahhhh... im your bestieeeeeeeeee for the restieeeeeee.."

"but what if it ruins our relationshippppp" noah sighed whining and laughing..

"it won't you idiot , i will always love youuuuuu" i smiled thinking it was sadie or mils..

"Maybe this will show you.."

"k then weird.."

he had kissed me.

but pulled away and winked..whispering in my ear

"and by the way it wasn't just practice for tomorrow"

oh shoot..


571 words 

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