N.S ~ She's amazing!

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(honestly don't know anymore what this chapter was sorry xx)

"I love her so much and she's amazing!"

i smiled at what  my best friend thought of me..

"Any guy would be lucky to have her.."

Aww noahhhhh

He raised his award and said..

"She deserves this more than i do.."


The audience gasped but clapped all the same..

"Y/N come up..!"

I stumble up onto the stage and stand next to noah..

"TO Y/N!!"

the audience roared in excitement as i took the award into my fingers..

i turned and smiled at noah tearily.. 

He smiled at me back ...

i whispered to him to meet me back in the dressing room as he nodded ... i walked off waving..


i waited nervously as noah appeared through the door..

I smiled as he came and sat on the setee next to me ..

I hugged him tight as he did back..

"YOU are amazing.." I said..

He remained stunned and smiled..

We started leaning in little by little..


caleb appeared and shouted 

GeT SoMeE NoAhhHh


until we kissed..

We pulled away blushing and

then finn burst in with millie 

'AJHSKHLKj my shipppp'

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