...I can't

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I look around to see that I am standing in a foot of water. I walk around the space but can't really see with all this grey-ish black clouds. I hear the water move behind me. I turn around to see Izuku in front me.

"H-hey there. Um, c-could you h-help me?" Izuku visibly shakes in his boots. My eyes harden. I am not going to fall for this shit.

"Yeah, why should I? All you do is manipulate me. Why should I help you?" Izuku looks down, his shoulders sagging.

"Yeah. You are right. I can't be a hero if I can't even help myself. Sorry to have bothered you. I-" He turns his back towards me.

"Wait. Where do you think you are going? You can't help yourself but you can get me out of here. Now where is the exit?" I interrupt him. A wave of cloud covers him and soon he turns into Deku. He stretches a bit and bends backwards, giving me a crazed smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He turns around, his sickening grin never leaving. I step back as he walks towards me. I gulp. He is going hurt me again. He is going carve me again. He is going torture me again. I start taking short breaths and soon see Toga behind him, followed by Dabi. No no no. Not again. Don't hurt me. I hate the pain. I hate this. I start running away from them but they catch up to me in no time.

"This is going to be fun, don't you think so too (Y/n)?" He holds my hands as he walks behind me, giving full access to Toga and Dabi to my front.

"Hiya (Y/n)-chan. Let's get to work shall we?" She turns into Mina and continues. "We will have so much fun. I always wanted to show you my true feelings." She twirls a knife in her hand. This is not really. Mina is not here in her Hero costume. She is not here. They are just playing with my mind. "But are we? Are you really sure? We are not real?" I shake my head. They are in my head. Mina starts cutting my skin. I cry and whimper. Her smile hurting me more.

I look beside me to see Dabi playing with the fire lit in his hand. He looks at me and I see him change into Katsuki. No. Please not him. Katsuki promised me he wouldn't hurt me. Katsuki gives me a smile. But it's a forced wicked smile. I try to get away from him but no avail. Katsuki brings his brightly burning right hand touches my stomach. I scream as I feel my skin burn. I can feel it melting. Deku pulls me back by my hair and we are at a roof. The roof he jumped off.

He dangles me off the edge by my throat. I claw at his hand. "Let m-e go. Ca-n't b-breathe." He gives me a small smile but his eyes are screaming in mischief.

"Okay." He lets go. Last thing I see is his smirk. I scream as I plummet through air. Everything blurry but beautiful. I feel fear and some kind of relief as I near the pavement. I scream louder and close my eyes, waiting for impact. It never came. I open my eyes to see that I am in water. It's getting darker. I try to swim at the surface but the light gets smaller and smaller. I can't hold my breath any longer. I open my mouth. The water burning in my lungs. I try to cough it out but take in more water instead. It burns. Stop it. I don't want to die like this. I claw at the water and reach out to the diminishing light.

I feel my eyes get heavy. Is this what death feels like? I feel the calm water swishing around my body. I try to imagine all the wounds and burns washing away with the water. I guess this water was my savior. I close my eyes and feel my body go limp. I wake up to shaking. I blink a few times and see a bit blurry image of my mom. "Mom?" I blink a few more times and see my mom and dad sitting beside me.

"Mom? Dad? Is that really you?" My mom sighs and nods. I blink once more and see clearly. I feel my smile turn into a frown. My mom is not smiling, rather she seems annoyed. What? Why? My dad is also the same. "...Mom?.."

"Ugh. Why did she wake up? She is not suppose to wake up. What are we going to do?!!" My dad just clicks his tongue at me and gets up to comfort his wife.

"Hey, it's okay. We just have to make sure this isn't found out. I'll come up with some story to tell that the league found her again and killed her in the lake. We will get the money and riddance this way. It will be a win-win situation." My mom smiles at my dad and kisses him.

"How did I get a husband as smart as you? Now to get rid of the brat." My mom scowls at me, making me confuse in fear. This isn't real. My parents love me. They won't kill me for money right? This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. These are not my parents. They are some imposters. This isn't real. Is it? Fuck. I am losing my mind. I don't know what is real and what is not. Is this hospital room real? Are these my parents? I use my quirk and make a gun. Fuck this isn't a nightmare. I made this gun a real one. The one with real bullets. I point the gun at my parents and they stop coming towards me.

They smile. Why doesn't this feel so real? I don't want to kill them. I don't want to die too. Fuck. Their smiles are the same. The same ones they used around me when they were happy. Was that all a lie? No, it can't be. My mom frowns and crosses her hands on her chest.

"I told she didn't have the guts. She is just a useless girl. She can't even protect herself from those petty villains. Does she really think she is a princess? I agree everything was handed to her but that doesn't mean everything would be done for her. That kid I hired. Deku was his name or something. He told me that they didn't even lock the door and she still couldn't get out. Seriously, pathetic. She even got her so-called prince charming to come for her but she still couldn't get out. Did she like being a hostage or something? Man, I can't believe I am finally able to get rid of this brat." My mom goes on and on.. I couldn't believe her. They didn't love me, not for one second. My dad adds some remarks in between. He was agreeing with her the whole time.

They didn't sound fake. Not once. They were sincere the whole time. I felt tears roll down my cheeks, falling on the gun I made. I couldn't concentrate on anything. My vision shifted every second. Should I kill myself? No one ever wanted me. My parents never wanted me. They think I am a pain in the ass. They want to kill me. Katsuki never loved me. He was in on it for the fame. My friends were all bought off. I didn't even know. My whole life was a lie. Why should I live it anymore? I am sure god wants his breath of life back and give it to someone more deserving.

I can't.. I can't take it anymore. I grip on the gun and take a deep breath. One bullet to the brain should do it, huh? I cry more. I know I don't want to die but I feel like i have no choice. Why me?

Sigh. I thought you would be stronger but you were just a waste of time. I cry once more.

Yeah, I know. I am a waste of life. I'll see you later maybe in an another life. Goodbye, veracity.

Goodbye world.

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