(Y/N)'s Quirk

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Alright, this is what i thought should be the quirk. It's kind of a mixture of Kaminari's and Yaoyorozu's quirk.

(Y/n)'s mom's Quirk

Quirk: Creation

Working: She can create anything like Momo from her body but she doesn't necessarily should know everything about whatever she wants to create like Momo.

She just has to concentrate hard enough and form an image or appearance of the object in her mind. The object will last as long as the amount of seconds it takes to form. Eg: If you are creating a torch in 3 seconds then the torch will exist for only 3 hours.

1 second of creation = 1 hour of existence

She can create from any part of her body like Momo. Her creations also uses fat like Momo but can also use sweat or other excretions.

Important thing: She can create living things which are physically smaller and weaker than her like a mouse or bird.

Drawback: She cannot alter the properties or the abilities like Momo can. She cannot create if the fat or other excretions are finished or exhausted.

(Y/n)'s dad's quirk

Quirk: Electrification

Working: He can discharge electricity from all parts of his body like Kaminari. His wattage limit is 100 million volts whereas Kaminari's is 2 million volt.

The people who come in contact with the electricity can leave slightly to completely paralyzed like Kaminari. He can shoot electricity in any direction he wants which is emitted from his hands. He can charge like Kaminari.

His power moves are that he can create shock waves, shock grenades and ionic vortex.

(Took this all from infamous and infamous 2 games, lol)

Shock wave:- He has to swing his arms to create a shock wave which requires a small amount of energy or electricity. The person that comes in contact will float away and be electrocuted.

Shock Grenades:- It requires a small amount of concentrated electricity into a mass which when throw at a human or villain will stick to them and explode after a few seconds. Not fatal.

Ionic vortex:- It is the most powerful move he has and it might make him go short circuit like Kaminari. In this, He has to concentrate all of his electricity in his hands and throws an electrically charged tornado which charges in the direction chosen. It causes everything in it's path to fly away.

Drawback: He will short circuit if gone over his wattage limit or if he uses ionic vortex.

(Y/n)'s Quirk

Quirk: Mixture of both mom and dad, electric creation

Working: The electricity has the same properties of dad's but she can also create stuff like her mom from the electricity. She has to concentrate the electricity at a point and it will create the same thing that is in her mind.

Her limit is 1 million volts for her electricity quirk.

She has almost no limit for creation since her creations are formed from electricity. Creations take very little electricity to be created.

Drawback: Her creation quirk only works if her electricity quirk is present. She cannot create from her body like Momo. If she passes her wattage limit can be short circuited like Kaminari or will pass out. If she uses electricity even after her limit then lightning patterns start to create on her body.

Alright that's her family's quirks. Now for the main story i think that i will make Bakugo a quiet boy who refuses to talk to anyone. If provoked will burst out like he does in the anime. Still uses bad words.

For (Y/n), I will make her a averagely calm and out going. Like an introvert at first but becomes an extrovert after getting comfortable with the surroundings.(Ambivert) She is curious about the Heroes in Japan since there were not many in America. Her family is rich af like Todoroki and Momo. She will not have any siblings (Sorry if you guys have any).

Her father decided to stay in America to handle their family business, i.e, their company like Ciel in Black Butler anime (Phantomhive's). She hates the attention that is caused by their popularity. She wants a carefree life where people care about her and want to be her friend for her personality not her wealth and fame. She is smart and fun loving.

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