...I can't take this anymore...

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Ha ha. Hahaha. Ha ha ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHA.

I start laughing at the gun. My mom and dad looking at me like I have gone crazy. I don't blame them. I have.

I point the gun at the my mom and bang. I watch her clutch her chest and fall to the ground. Blood flowing out of the wound, gathering around her limp body. I cry and point the gun at my dad. He tries to convince me to not to do it but I can't hear him very well through the ringing. I shot him too. He walks towards my mother and hugs her. Hmm. Must be nice to have someone who loves you.

I rip the cords from my arms and listen to the machine go silent with a beep. I walk out the door in my hospital gown. As I thought, still stimulating. I walk down the tore down corridor. Looking for an exit. I just killed my parents in cold blood. Even if it wasn't real, it felt so real. I hope it was a stimulation. I hope. A laugh echoes in the hallway. I make a sword this time. This time I am not going easy. Deku appears in front of me.

"Haha. This quirk is so powerful. You got tricked so easily." I clutch my sword tighter.

"What do you mean, Deku?" He smiles.

"Look for yourself." He disappears. The corridor starts to change. The peeled walls change into white ones. The receptionists desk is now cleaned of blood and has books and fresh flowers. I look behind me and a squad of heroes standing in defensive with their quirks ready. The other way, policemen are blocking the way. My eyes widen when i see my dad come out the door clutching his bloody shoulder. My face whiten when i see Aizawa-sensei hold back Katsuki and the squad. I shiver. No. This can't be real.

"I am repeating the last time. Stand down or we will open fire." Some policeman announces through the megaphone. I sob when I see blood covering my gown and my hands contain a gun and a bloody sword. "STAND DOWN OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!" I look at them confused. No. You got it all wrong.

Seems like you are a villain now (Y/n). Deku's words echo in my head. I drop my weapons and raise my hands.

I am a villain now. I don't want to be a villain. I wanted to be a hero. Everything goes like a blur. I have handcuffs on and am taken to the station. Detective Tsukauchi is sitting next to me. I look down to the car floor. I don't have the guts to even look out. I didn't see mom. Did I actually kill her? I am a villain. I killed my own mother. I also tried to kill my own father. Soon, I was sitting in an interrogation room all alone. No, don't leave me alone. I will be good I promise. I am not a villain. I frantically look around the room. I need to get out of here. I don't want to be carved again.

I try to escape the cuffs but no avail. I look behind to see the mirror. I almost puke at the reflection. I am covered in bandages and blood. I look I just survived a apocalypse. I hyperventilate.

"P-please. Get me out of here. Please don't carve me. I-i promise I'll be good. I w-won't try to run away please. Deku, forgive me. Don't h-hurt me." I sob that sentence like a broken record. I shiver in fear. These are the times when Deku would hurt me the longest. He told he liked to let him suffer in anticipation. The league got a better room, I guess. My head hurts. My body is aching from straining to use my quirk. I have no idea how long they kept me here. My body clock was destroyed after the first week the captured me.

The door opens. I immediately cower in fear. I hate myself. I hate myself for being so cowardly.

"(Y/n)." My eyes widen. It's detective Tsukauchi. Or not. It's Toga. It's definitely her. My face contorts.

"What do you want Toga? Haven't you carved enough?" I hiss as I show my arms. I look down and am confused. When did it get bandaged? I tilt my head at Toga.

"I am not Toga. I am detective Tsukauchi. Don't you remember when I interrogated you in the hospital room?"

"I remember. That's why I don't trust you. You just want to destroy more of my trust in heroes. Tell me. How did you get hands on the detective's blood? Did you ambush him like me or is Deku making this illusion?" I tug harder at the cuffs. I want to escape. I look around the room very carefully. I don't want the league to think I am trying to look for an escape route. They'll cut it off if I do find one. The door and the mirror behind are my only options.

"(Y/n) listen. You are in a real police station. No one here is going to hurt you. You aren't in the league anymore. You aren't captive anymore."

"Says the illusion to the person in handcuffs." Tsukauchi sweat dropped. He was using his quirk the entire time. She wasn't lying one bit. He couldn't interrogate her, if she was this delusional and traumatized.

"Okay. Just wait here. I am going to get someone who will access your memory and we can end this once and for all." He proceeded to get up.

"Is that someone called Deku, the greatest mastermind and villain to exist. Then I am out of here. Toga, you know I am not going to fall for your tricks again. Just stop this illusion and set me free from here. I don't care if it is actual freedom or death." I sob again. My tear gland seems to be dead, so no tears here. I am so fed up of this. I had enough of the mind games. I am sick of it. The so-called detective left. Soon, this illusion will also fall and I would wake up in that dreaded room again.

"HAVEN'T YOU HAD ENOUGH DEKU?! I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT!! PLEASE FUCKING END THIS SOMEBODY!! Somebody. P-please." I try to cool my head on the cold table. This is new. I could never really feel stuff. This table felt so real. I shake my head. I am just too disoriented. Obviously, no heroes came to rescue me. Deku said Katsuki was there for show. I shouldn't believe him but I don't even know what to believe.

The so-called detective again enters the room with Aizawa-sensei and some person in a tacky spandex suit. I light up when I see Aizawa-sensei. He will take me away from here. He will save me right?

"Aizawa-sensei, you are the real one right? Someone has to be real here cause there can be only two Togas. No actually, no one is real since there would be one real Toga and two clone Toga. *sigh* I got hopes up for nothing. So, tell me Toga. What kind of simulation is this one?" The league did these kind of stimulation before. In these simulations I could relax cause they wouldn't hurt me too much physically.

"Um...(Y/n) I am real. Also there are no Togas here. This is very real. We all are real." I take a deep breath.

"You mean, right now I am not in that room. I am not going to be carved up. No more mind games and you are real?" He nods in return." Why should I believe you? If you were real, you could use your quirk. But you are Toga and you can't. Hehe." I laugh a bit hysterically but all Aizawa does is activate his quirk. I watch him as he stares me with his red eyes then looks at the other two. I cry quitely when his hair falls down and his capture gear goes back to normal.

"This is real?"

"Yes, it is." I cry loudly. I try to wipe my tears but my chain rattles when I move my hand. I quieten down a bit. I don't want to be punished.

"It's okay (Y/n). It's okay to cry. Just put your hand forward and this man here is going to use his quirk." Tsukauchi says. I eye the person and hesitantly put out my hand.

"It's okay. I am just going to see your memories."

"Better be prepared. I don't want you traumatized." He looks amused at my statement but I glare at him carefully. Just testing the waters. His look softens.

"Alright here we go." He links our arms.

I wonder what would happen?

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