Perfect plan.

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**Bella's POV**
I finish singing and lookup nervously to see what Louis thought and I get a massive shock.
Louis has tears in his eyes that make his sea green eyes glisten and he holds out his arms for me to hug him.
"Are you alright Lou?" I ask a she smiles at me from his seat.
"It was beautiful Bella,you have a beautiful voice." I blush and shrug.
"Nah not really." He laughs a little and then frowns at me.
"Who's it about?" Now it's my turn to frown.
"Um it's it's about Liam." Louis smiles sadly at me.
"Well that's very cute Bella,and don't worry babe coz we're gonna get him back okay." I feel tears pricking my eyes and I sit down beside Louis on the couch and bury my face in his chest.
"Hey hey,love it's alright okay I promise we will get Lima to fall for you again,I mean it's not gonna be hard because he's still in love with you but we just need to gain his trust." I nod as a tear slips down my check and I roughly brush it away.
"I think you should get to bed now love,we'll plan the date tomorrow because your a bit upset right now yeah?" I nod,allot a sudden feeling an overwhelming emotion of tiredness and let Louis slip his arm around my back and under my legs and carry me bridal style to the spare room.
"Can you stand up while I make your bed up love?" I shake my head and cling onto Louis tighter like a child,which makes him laugh.
"Well there aren't any sheets on the bed and I can't hold you while doing that so where will you sleep aye?" I rub my eyes and shrug into Louis' warm body.
"Your bed." Louis' entire body stiffens at my words but in my sad and suddenly tired state of mind I don't pick up on it much.
"Um do you think that's a good idea love,I think we should just-" I shake my head before Louis finishes.
"Don't leave." I can tell he's frowning even though I can't see his face.
"I-I'm not going to leave Bell." I shift my body in Louis' arms and cling onto his shirt tightly.
"Stay with me tonight please." I ask tiredly so it's more of a mumble and Louis sighs.
"If you really want to sleep in my bed hen I suppose you can okay?" He replies and I nod on his chest.
"Mm'kay." I mutter and I swear I hear a little chuckle from Louis but I'm not sure because I pretty much straight away fall asleep right there,in his arms.

The next morning I wake with a start,confused as to why I'm in Louis' bed, and then it all comes back to me,every single part of what happened last night and I groan.
"Louis." I softly speak into his ear but when he doesn't stir I decide tolerate him sleep while I make us breakfast.
As I'm changing into my clothes for the day, black leggings and a white crop top, I start thinking about last night and how kind Louis was. He clearly didn't want me to sleep with him because when I asked he the ought of ways out of it but I asked and he agreed,he was going to make me a bed even though he was obviously tired himself and then he offered up his bed for me.
Why am I trying to get back Liam when Louis is more caring and thoughtful?
Shut up! You love Liam,he's done so much for you.
Yeah but what about Louis? He's gorgeous and kind and he cares.
Shut up,I love Liam!
I have a battle in my head but it makes me feel sick. I love Liam,not Louis and he's a friend I shouldn't be thinking about him like this at all.
"Bella?" Speak of the devil.
"did I wake you Lou I'm sorry-" he shakes his head and sits up in the bed,revealing his toned abs.
"Nah I was awake before you I jut didn't want to disturb so I jut stayed there." Aww that's so sweet-Liam,you love Liam. There's that fight in my head again,I wish I would just shut up sometimes.
"Oh um ok,I was just gonna make some pancakes for our breakfast." Louis smiles sleepily.
"I can do that love,you just relax and then we'll make a plan for this date of yours okay?" He says and my heart kind of drops.
"Okay." Damn it I sound so unsure, and I don't even know why. I loved Liam with all my heart when I was around him even when he hated me I loved him but now I haven't seen him for ages I'm losing that spark.
"Oh my god that's it!" I only realise I've voiced my thoughts out loud when Louis stares at me
"What's what?" He asks and I realise I have to lie or tell him I've kinda fallen out of love with Liam and fallen in love with him. Yeah that's not gonna happen.
"Um I just realised what I want to do for the date,instead of the London eye." Louis frowns but I continue,it's not entirely a lie which is good I guess
"I need to re-spark Liam's love for me." Louis nods with a frown still on his face.
"But I thought you were going to have a date on the London eye to do that?" I shake my head,grinning.
"I thought I did but I realise now that I want to go to that restaurant thing 17Black and then go to a lake." Louis frowns yet again.
"Why exactly?" I smile at him and bite my lip,it's a perfect plan basically. I've fallen out of love with Liam because I haven't seen him in so long and going here will help him to love me again and me seeing him again will help me fall back in love with him.
"Because that's where he took me on our very first date."

A/N: Please Comment/Vote and check out my new book: Blank Space.

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