Chapter 54 - Looks like it, we can finally breathe.

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"Leah I'm fine. Please relax. It's back in place." Travis smiled. I shook my head, as Sebastian sat on my hip. 

“Travis I’m so sorry he hit you. I wasn’t expecting that. He’s only been verbal before. Threats that’s what he used. Never physical.” I swayed slowly with Sebastian. 

"So you bit him?" Hunter asked, standing beside me rubbing my back. 

Travis nodded, "Hey it was worth it." Travis patted my shoulder. “Listen you stayed calm, that was the smartest thing to do.”

Deep in my gut, I was terrified. I couldn’t do anything. I feared him knowing I was pregnant with our second child. God only know’s what he might have done.

Carlisle told me Travis had been injured, saving Leah and that Stefan had arrived just in time, despite the aches and pains I have taken a week off work to look after him, it will keep me occupied. Knocking on Leah's door I wait for an answer.

Hunter walked over, and opened the door. "My dear, you have  a key. Let yourself in." Hunter hugged Ara. "How's the flu?"

"With the tension, I'd rather knock," I hug Hunter, "apparently it was the norovirus, feeling achy but not bad, how are you?" I step in.

Hunter nodded, "Slept like a baby. My wife not telling me what happened exactly, not so good. She didn't want to wake me. Said I looked so peaceful sleeping." He chuckled. "I had Noro in college. I was in class when it hit. Freshmen year. The custodial department to this day hates me.”

"I'm glad you got some sleep, I know but she likes you," winking, "first virus I've had since 1427."

Hunter smiled, "Travis had his shoulder dislocated, Leah popped it back in. He's doing fine. Leah is a little here, a little there. If you know what I mean."

"Just doing his job," I smile, "she might be that way for a few days, can I see Travis? I have to thank him."

Travis walked out with Sebastian, "You're wife is pissed, at me. Sheesh can't win with her today." Hunter smirked, "Leah is high strung right now."

"What do you expect? A band marching past with presents and balloons?" I begin laughing, "sorry, just came to see how the hero was and to thank you."

Travis smiled, hugging Sebastian. "It's what we do, protect the ones we love. I'm good." Hunter patted Travis's shoulder.

"Very true but thought I'd come thank you personally," itchy thigh, "glad you're doing ok."

Travis smiled, "And how are you? I heard you were sick." He glanced at her thigh, "Vladimir do that?"

"Tired, achy but good," looking down then up at Travis again, "yes, it's his family crest, forever burnt into my skin." I show no emotion.

Travis spoke softly, "Sorry." A knock at the door  alerted them someone else had come.

Looking towards the door, "Could be Fred? Or Carlisle or Stefan."

Hunter looked, "Nope, Sam, and Emily."

I stifle back, "Do I need to be here?"

Hunter looked at Ara, "Easy there. Calm before the storm." He winked. I walked through, opening the door, "Come in."

Emily hugged me, "Hi there."

Sam walked in behind her, and nodded. I shut the door.

"Sam, Travis. Travis, this is the horses ass Sam."

Sam smield, "Hello." Travis shook Sam's hand. Sebastian smiled at Ara, and babbled reaching for her.

"I know, he called a truce with me," I reach for Sebastian, "come on then little man." Sticking my tongue out at him.

Sebastian patted Ara's face and giggled. Sam looked at Ara, "Need to talk to you actually. It can wait." He smiled.

I gently nuzzle Sebastian, looking at Sam, "Name the time name the place." I smile faintly.

Sam smiled, "Well now is fine." Emily smiled, "Ara you have such beautiful hair."

I carefully hand Sebastian to Travis, he whines a little, "Aw, I won't be long little man," pointing out back, "there ok?" Looking at Emily, "thank you, you have such lovely soft skin."

Emily smiled, touching her scar, "Thank you." Sam looked at Sebastian, "Hey buddy I'm sorry to steal her." Travis held him, "It's ok." Sam spoke, "There was a Nomad again. A new one."

I smile at Emily, such a kind face, I let out a little chuckle, "we best discuss this outside." Wandering through the kitchen and out back.

I curled up in the sun room, watching the winter season outside.

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