Chapter 60 - The Final chapter to this book

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I'm in the waiting room. Hunter's not here yet. I'm anxious as it is. He was running a little late. He had to swing by the house, and grab something. Sebastien is with Charlie, and my for the day. I had to get back to work once I was done here. I was working until seven o'clock this evening. I checked my phone again. A text message I'd received well over an hour ago.

"On my way baby. I love you."

No other messages. No missed calls.

"Leah Emerson" The nurse called my name and I headed back.

We made the small usual chit chat. She took my vitals, and left me to change into a gown.
I waited quietly checking my phone, and nothing. A knock on the door, made my heart lurch.

"May I come in?" Dr. Martin's voice was on the other side."

"Yes." I spoke softly.

He walked in washing his hands, and walked over to me, "Hunter couldn't make it?"

I shrugged, "Running late. I'm not sure. It's pouring rain out."

Dr. Martin nodded, and about forty minutes later, I was done. I had my ultrasound pictures, my blood work done, and I headed back to work.

I walked back down, with my coffee in hand. I looked at the ultrasound pictures, and called Hunter. It rang, then I got voicemail.

"Hey it's Hunter. Leave me a message."

I smiled, "Hey handsome. I've finished at my appointment. I have new pictures for you. Julian is doing great. See you later. I love you."

I hung up, and went to my locker. I slipped the scans in my bag, and walked back out.

I went to check on a patient, and then walked back out. I was going to grab some supplies, when I caught the Paramedic's relaying information over the radio."

"Hydroplaned, lost control of the car. Hit a tree head on. Was wearing his seatbelt. Passerby called it in. We've intubated. He was unresponsive on scene. No pulse, passerby started chest compressions, and administered CPR."

I cringed hearing the call. I hated car accidents. I could only think of Jacob's mom, and Hunter's dad. I grabbed the supplies I needed, and went back to my patient. I worked quietly, "Ok, I need to check on another patient. I will be back shortly." I smiled, and stepped out closing the curtain behind me.

The trauma room was bustling. People rushing in, and out. I sat down, and looked up at the board.

Trauma One - Emerson, Hunter MVA

I looked at the board stunned. It couldn't have been the same. A coincidence in names. I got up, and walked towards the trauma room. I saw Dr. Hendrick working quickly, and shouting. "Let's go people. CT is waiting for us." I watched, and I saw Carlisle in there also. They were moving quickly. I saw them push my husband out on a gurney. He was intubated, and covered in blood. His leg was badly broken. His face was swollen. He was bruised, and cut. All sorts of monitors were attached to him. His blood pressure was low, and his heart rate scared the crap out of me. "OR after the CT. I want to clear his head let's go." Dr. Hendrick sent him off. He went up with OR nurses, and a couple of surgeons. They removed, the gloves, and gowns, and washed up. That's when Dr. Hendrick spotted me, at the same time Carlisle did.

"Leah." Carlisle walked towards me briskly.

"I, I was at my twelve week prenatal appointment. He was running late." I spoke calmly, but felt my body start to tremble.

"He hydroplaned, and lost control of the car. He hit a tree. Ara saw it all happen. She started CPR, and then they brought him here." Carlisle rubbed my arm.

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