Chapter 37 - Fuzzy Electricity

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The fog wrapped itself around me as I walked through the woods, the grand owl is hooting, jumping into the tree, the view is fantastic. I have transferred to part time, for a while. When I am not busy with Leah I make sure the two idiots and the dreamer girl at bay.

Fred caught up with Ara, and some wolves lurking behind, "So Storm." Fred winked.

"So Freddy," I chuckle, "what's up?"

Fred smirked, "Oh god, ok Ara. Please no Freddy."

I shake his hand, "Deal," a surge of fuzzy electric runs through me, I feel all tingly, "How are you Fred?"

Fred spoke softly, "Well, and you?"

He smiled, winking at her.

I decide to quickly hold his hand, the same electricity runs through me, I quickly let go, "Busy but I'm good thanks, what have you been upto? Anything interesting?" I look at his tall frame.

Fred smiled shyly, and looked down, "School. I'm on the verge of graduating early. I mean early. I'm going to start a new business venture."

"Exciting times ahead for you," smiling, "hope it works out for you."

Fred shrugged, "Nothing else to really do. Too shy to be a public person." Nobody would think of Fred as shy. Truthfully he was. Never had a kiss, a girlfriend, only a hug from us.

The urge to give him a hug gets the better of me, I hug him, "Maybe one day you will have everything you'd like." I pull back and smile at him, wish the electric feeling would go but it intensifies.

He looked down at her, "Nobody really knows me. I was coined with a name, Freaky Fred."

"Odd nickname, why would people call you that?" I am curious.

Fred decided to show her. He made the repulsive shield come out, and remained quiet. It was as though he could blind your sense of smell, taste. Scent was important to vampires, and Fred could shut a vampire down, even an army.

I look at Fred awestruck, "WOW, that is cool, that is one hell of an ability." I smile.

Fred turned it off, "It's how I protected myself, and Bree." His face showed the sadness of missing his friend.

There is an aura of sadness about him, "I'm sorry." It was all I could say. I bowed my head.

Fred smiled, "Truthfully she's in a much better place.

I mumble, "Wish I was," looking up at him, "never give up on hope, things test us, I bet she is smiling down on you." I lock out the other realm.

Fred stopped Ara, gently holding her hand. He carefully put it in his chest, over where his quiet heart lay. "Ara, right here you have the greatest gift of all. A heart doesn't have to beat, in order to care. To be a compassionate friend. An amazing person." Then he whispered, "You've brought me to a better place." He bent down, and pecked her on the cheek.

I'm startled as elecricity surges through me again, he put my hand and placed it where his heart should be, I look up at him, he kisses my cheek, "Wow," I say before grabbing his hand and placing it where my heart is, "slowly this heart thaws, cherish your heart, you are a dear friend to everyone, including me, thankyou." I kiss him on the lips and continue my walk.

Fred is stopped momentarily, before jogging at human pace to catch up with Ara. His tall frame towers her. He slid is hands into her thick dark hair, holding her head steady. "Ara," was all he choked out, before his lips pressed against hers. There was such care, and love in him. This one person, this one girl, did something to him, and he couldn't fight it anymore.

My lips respond, maybe Fred is the one? Carlisle was right, damn! Gently pulling away I wrap my arms around his waist, look up at him and say, "Fancy a date." I chuckle and kiss him on the lips before gently pulling back.

Fred grinned that boyish grin. "I would love one. A first for everything in life." He carefully held her around her waist.

"Well it will be a first for me," laughing, "I spent alot of time on my own," leaning into him, "you pick the time and place." I feel my heart has thawed completely.

Fred smiled, "I don't eat. I can do the occasional coffee shop?"

I grin, "I can eat human food, how about my place Friday night around 8pm? We can watch a movie and maybe go stargazing later?" Now I'm showing my age.

Fred smiled, "I would love that." He squeezed her hand a little.

"Then it's a date." I squeeze his hand and smile like a teenager. Fred leaned in for one more kiss, before Travis snickered in his brilliant wolf form.

I could stay this way forever, I turn to look at Travis, walking over to him I bend down and stroke him, "Give us a break, this is new for all of us." I wink.

Travis nudged Ara in his form. Fred spoke, "This guy hasn't had a date in," Travis head butted him. Fred laughed, and watched as Travis headed back to the house.

I can't help but laugh, I lightly poke Fred, "Bet he will soon," looking at my watch, "I better go, need to get ready for work and see Leah." I kiss him lightly on the cheek.

Fred smiled, "I have class work to do as well. Be careful." Travis was loud, "Stop it you two." Fred laughed hard.

"I will do my best, enjoy studying," I kiss him again, "Travis at it again?" Walking away, "see you soon." I blow him a kiss.

Travis nodded, "He's embarrassed me before. Payback." He laughs. Fred smiles, pretending to catch it, and starts on his way.

"Boys will be boys," I laugh as I walk toward Leah and Hunter's place.

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