Chapter 1 - I've made amends, well some at least.

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I kept walking along the highway, unaware of what direction I was heading in. It had become dark out and I was alone.

Back in La Push, Seth had just walked in the front door of the house.

“Charlie, dinner’s almost done.” Our mom called out.

“Not Charlie, but one of the other men who you need to feed.” Seth said smirking.

My mom ran out of the kitchen grabbing Seth, and pulled him close hugging him tightly. “Oh God I’m glad you’re safe.” She squeezed him tightly, and he hugged her back,

“Yeah. They decided Renesmee wasn’t a threat."

She smiled holding him at arm’s length now examining him. “Well I’m glad everyone is safe. Come get something to eat.” She pulled him into the kitchen, and made him two sandwiches.

He devoured them instantly, “Thank you mom.” She just smiled happy to have him home, and safe.

My mom sat down at the table, looking at him, “Where’s your sister?”

He shrugged, “I’m not sure. She’s probably collecting herself. She was really upset, it felt like somethng was eating away at her.”

My mom let out a soft sigh, getting up to finish cooking dinner.

I must have walked several miles. I found myself back once again at the Cullen’s property. I walked down the edge of the long driveway and then ducked into the woods.  I walked along the river for a while. I quietly phased, after tying my clothes to my leg. I moved quietly so I wouldn’t disturb anyone. The house had lights on now, which I could see in the distance. I could hear the voices from inside. I lay down by the river’s edge and watch everything around me. I still didn’t trust The Volturri. It was the least I could do for the Cullen’s. I had been a complete and utter bitch to them. They hadn’t done anything to deserve the way I treated them.

I decided I wouldn’t stay long. I just needed to make sure they were truly free to live. I felt horrible the way I had acted towards them before. If they only knew how sorry I truly was and how sincere my feelings towards them were now. It was amazing how quickly my feelings towards them had  turned around. They were a strong knit family. They weren’t out to harm anyone. Renesmee was asleep in Bella’s arms. Edward sat quietly beside her, gently stroking Bella’s hair. Emmett and, Rosalie were having a conversation with - Carlisle and Esme. Jasper and, Alice sat there looking at one another, having their own private moment.  I imagined what life would be like once I left the area. I wondered how Hunter would go on without me? What story would he be told? I knew once I truly broke free of Jacob’s pack, they’d never hear my thoughts again. I would be safe unless they sent someone looking for me. I whined softly as the cold night air blew through my fur. Usually I didn’t feel the cold but the events of the day, had left me beyond exhausted. My body was barely hanging on.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up, I caught a familiar scent. Beside me Rosalie sat there holding clothing, and a sandwich. I shook my head coming around.

She looked at me, giving a small smile. “Please don’t leave. Just hear me out. I brought some clothes for you and food. Edward heard your thoughts. He became concerned. He told Esme and I overheard the conversation.  I realized you, and I are about the same size. I wanted you to have something warm to wear. I know you stay warm naturally, you know being wolf and such. I understand if you don’t trust me.”

I looked at her, realizing we were very much alike. She was misjudged, just like I was. I dared to test the waters, and gently nudged her hand with my head. She sat there rather shocked, and then a smile spread across her face. “Would you like to come inside?”

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