Chapter 31 - Um... did she just?

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“Overall how was the trip to Pisa?” Renesmee asked Hunter smiling, trying to contain her excitement. “It was amazing, and such a beautiful place. The food was delicious.” Hunter smiled, and glanced over to where I was asleep on the couch. “So did Auntie Leah have a good time?” He nodded, “Yep. She had one issue with really bad nausea. That’s when Ara helped us.” That’s when his face changed, and watched as I slept. “She’s receiving the best treatment. Ara started vitamins, and minerals that she needed. We have the iv, because the nausea is still causing disruptions. We’re just trying to keep her blood sugar within a healthy range.” Carlisle looked at Hunter, as he adjusted the flow of the fluids.

“So when do we meet this Ara person?” Emmett asked, crossing his arms. “Relax there buddy.” Jasper smirked. Alice giggled, wrapping herself around Jasper. Edward snickered sitting at the piano playing softly. “She needed to hunt.” Jacob straightened up, “I need to go.” He quickly kissed Reneesme’s cheek, and bolted out the door. “What’s going on?” Bella asked quietly, and Edward looked at Carlisle. “She was told about the territory line. She know’s where we hunt.” Edward nodded, “Well one of the pup’s has picked up on her scent.” Carlisle sighed, “Can someone call Sam immediately, or Sue.” Bella quickly left the room calling Sue.

Esme brought out a plate with a sandwich on it for Hunter, “You need to eat. Take a nap, while she’s sleeping. We’ll wake you if there’s anything.” Hunter nodded, and took the plate from her, and quietly ate. Esme smiled, “So are you finding out the gender of the baby?” Hunter chewed, then swallowed, “I would like to know.” Alice smirked, “Ultrasounds, and myself. Esme, and I both know what it is.” She winked, and Hunter chuckled, “Spill it Pixie.” Alice grinned, and danced over to Hunter, whispering in his ear. Hunter grinned, “Really?” Alice placed a soft blue blanket on his lap. “Congrats Papa Emerson.”

Mean while Ara was off hunting. "Where the hell are all the meat eaters? I need some kind of challenge." An elk passes by, "Awe man, okay fine vegetarian means vegetarian I guess." I huff, "Cheers." Crouching down I let my senses take over, the hunt is on. Jacob ran, full force after phasing. He could smell Ara, and followed behind making sure she was ok. He caught Seth’s thoughts. “Who’s the new member of the Cullen’s?” Jacob thought back, “Her name is Ara. She’s a doctor, and accompanied your sister home.” Seth’s ears perked up hearing that I’d come home. “Seth she’s resting right now. Once we make sure everything is situated, we’ll head back.” Seth sighed, “Chloe was on her way over to my mom’s.” Jacob kept running, spotting Ara, he approached making sure she heard him. Should I put my arms in the air? Dance maybe? This is all new to me, "Okay, who's behind me?" Dare I turn round? Ara moved slowly, and Jacob gave a wolfy grin, and knelt down, and Seth came up beside him.

I wave my arms, oh gawd, I look like I'm drowning, "Hi," my arms are still waving, quickly I put them down, "sorry about that, nerves, I'm a newbie to all this," getting on my knees, "am I in trouble?" Jake, and Seth shook their heads, and looked at one another. Jacob moved forward slowly, and nudged her hand. Seth smirked, and Jake looked back at him. "You're Jacob, right?" I don't care what legends say, these wolves have hearts of gold, "I'm Ara but I guess you knew that, am I far from Carlisle's?" I continue stroking his soft russet fur. I look at the other wolf and smile. Seth grins, and steps forward. Jacob smiled, and nudged Ara’s hand, and turned his head in the direction of the Cullen’s and nodded. "Phew, I'm not that far out then, I'm not usually this scatty, even though I've hunted I'm tired but can't rest, I miss that part of being human - the sleeping and dreaming." I stroke both wolves before standing up and backing into a tree, "lort." Somehow I manage to laugh. Seth moved behind the tree’s and phased back. Several minutes later, he walked out clothed. He was wearing khaki colored cargo pants, a long sleeve white t-shirt, and a button up long sleeve plaid shirt.

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