Chapter 30 - Amazing you confront the guard, but run upon seeing us.

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We wrapped up our week in Pisa, and were waiting in the airport. I sat quietly looking around. I’d not seen Ara again. I was tense. Hunter had to use the restroom before we boarded. We still had about thirty minutes until we needed to head to our gate. I could see it from my seat. I caught it out of the corner of my eye. A dark haired male looking in my direction. I turned my attention, and then noticed he was gone. I was distracted by movement again, this male had almost white hair. Neither were tall. Roughly around five foot four, maybe three. My heart started pounding out of my chest. It was them. They’d alerted the Volturri I was here, and now they were as well. How were they out at night? They’d disguised themselves. Long black coats, and they kept their heads down. I looked around for Hunter. I was nervous. I grabbed my purse, and Hunters bag. Just as I was about to make my way towards the restrooms, I heard the accent. 

“Now you run? Amazing you confront the guard, but run upon seeing us. Silly fool you are. All alone.”

I didn’t turn to look at them, I just started walking calmly, or trying to appear that way. Stefan stepped in front of me. “I’m not afraid of you."

He looked at me, and growled, "I know you have someone who’s been watching you. Now where has your informant gone?”

I looked down at him.

“It take a snap, and well,” He shrugged, and looked around. Vladimir hissed, “Nobody would even know. Now tell Stefan where is she?”

I looked at Stefan, “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

Vladimir grinned at Stefan, “She pretends to be dumb. Silly wolf. You don’t realize the power we hold. Now where is she?”

I looked between them, “She? Alice? She’s home I’m assuming.”

Stefan spit at me with anger, “Fool. Ara the one who helped you. Where is she. NOW tell us.” His eyes were fierce, and I spotted Hunter.

Vladimir looked in Hunters direction, “You have quite a fondness for him.”

I wasn’t sure what to do. He looked at me, and saw the fear in my eyes.

Stefan whispered with a threat, “You’ve been warned.”

Then they both left walking away from me. They walked past Hunter, who was walking in my direction. I couldn’t do it anymore. I felt my legs tremble, and swallowed back the bile that was in my throat. I sat down on the floor, pulling my knee’s to my chest. Hunter came over. 

"Leah I'm calling Carlisle now." He squatted dialing. I tried to ease my breathing.

"Hello?" Carlisle answered the phone.

"Leah was ambushed for a lack of a better word. We're at the airport, and they found her. She's white, and sitting on the floor." I felt Hunter shift as though he was making room for sometime.

"Leah do you need to lay down? You're white. I'm concerned your blood sugar may be low." That voice was hers, she was here again.

Hunter spoke to Carlisle, "They made a threat Carlisle. I couldn't get to her fast enough."

She spoke, "Tell your friend Dr. Storm is here. She appears to be suffering from low blood sugar." I heard whispers in Italian, then she spoke in Italian. "Sono un medico. Questo è Mrs.Emerson. E 'tredici settimane insieme, con la sua prima gravidanza. Shes stati colpiti da una grave malattia di mattina. Lei sembra avere un basso con il suo zucchero nel sangue. Ho bisogno di un sacchetto medico ora."

They nodded, and people moved around quickly. I laid back, and looked up to see her blue eyes twinkle. "I told them I'm a doctor. This is Mrs.Emerson. She's thirteen weeks along, with her first pregnancy. Shes been suffering from severe morning sickness. She appears to be having a low with her blood sugar. I need a medic bag now." She gently held my wrist, and looked at her watch.

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