Chapter 50 - Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve. It’s cold, but beautiful. Snow is lightly falling. We were about to board The Polar Express. Ara drove up separately from us. She wasn’t going to come with us to the house. We’d see her in the morning at the Cullen’s. After we’re done here, we’re heading to Sandra, and Georges house. We’ll have our presents. Everyone was gathering there for the night. Hunter, Sebastian, and I would leave roughly around ten o’clock, and make it to Forks just before midnight. 

“Well, you comin’?” The conductor called out, looking at all of us. I snuggled Sebastian against me. His eyes were wide, and taking it all in. Ara stood beside me, watching Hunter. He was in complete awe. 

“Where?” Hunter said instinctively. 

“Why to the North Pole of course. This is the Polar Express.” 

Hunter smiled, and turned to me. I nodded, “Well get on. We’re on a schedule.” 

While he wasn’t looking, I slipped a ticket in his pocket before we left home. This had to be special for Hunter. He’d been reading this book to Sebastian every night since he was born. 

Once we were on the train, we departed the station. “Ticket’s please.” The conductor called out. 

Hunter looked at me, and I shrugged. The conductor came over to us, “Ticket’s please.” Hunter looked at me again. “Try your pocket.” Hunter felt, and there was nothing. “Your other pocket.” There he pulled out his ticket. Hunter grinned, and could see the magic unfold around him. 

They served us the coco, that was delicious. Over the intercom, they read the story. When it came to the part where the lean wolves roamed, Ara nudged me, and Hunter laughed. I smiled.  

When we arrived at the North Pole, it was breath taking. They had reindeer dressed in the harnesses, and they had the bells attached. A little boy, who resembled one from the book was there. They re-enacted the whole scene for everyone who’d taken the train. Hunter looked so young, and carefree. It was the most beautiful thing to watch, as he pointed for Sebastian. 

Ara held onto me, “You did good sweetie.”

When it was time for us to board the train to head home; they made it look like Santa had taken off. We rode the train back to the station, and climbed back in the car. Hunter was on the verge of tears. 

“That was amazing.” He kissed me softly. 

We arrived, and they had set up Sebastian’s crib in Rose, and Emmett’s room. Everything was put away, and we were unpacked thanks to Alice, and Rose.

“Get some sleep. We’ve got him sweetie.” Rose smiled, and took Sebastian for the night. 

Hunter, and I changed, and crawled into bed. 

“Leah?” He spoke softly in a sleepy tone. 

“Yeah babe?” I replied, curling up against him.

“My mom used to read that book to me when I was little. You made it come to life. I can’t thank you enough. It was like my mom was with us on that train tonight. When the whistle blew, I could see her smiling.”

I smiled, stroking his cheek.

“When the train honks, where ever I am; that’s my mom saying hi. Just like when the wind chimes sing, your dad’s saying hi. Ara is right, they’re never gone. They’ve just moved to a new part of their destiny.” He smiled, and kissed me.

I was left speechless. He leaned in, and pressed his lips against mine.

“Merry Christmas Darling.” He held me close, until we fell asleep. 

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