Chapter Twenty Three.

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~Chloe's P.O.V~

Why now? We were going to tell the boys about the baby, but i was in a hospital?

"Chloe? Chloe! Oh my god, you're awake!"

"Hey Tyrone." I managed to get out.

The boys heard Tyrone & they all soon piled into the room.

"Chloe! I'm so happy you're awake!" Brock said, hugging me gently.

"Welcome back sunshine." Said Mitchel smiling.

"So glad you're awake." Luke said warmly.

Seeing as all the boys had said something, i was waiting for Christian to say something, but he just sat there silently.

"Boys, can you guys leave for a second, i need to talk to Christian alone."

They all nodded & walked out.

"I'm so sorry Chloe, i feel so bad."


"I caused you to be in hospital."

"No you didn't? What are you talking about?"

"You ran out after i yelled at you. I feel completely responsible."

"Christian, nothing can undo what happened. It was my fault. I shouldn't been honest with you from the start. Then nothing would've happened."

"Honest from the start?"

"Yeah, i'm pregnant."



Christian walked out. I understood completely understood.


Tyrone came back into the room.

"Guessing you told him?"

"I had to. I couldn't lie to him anymore."

"Yeah i guess."

"You know, he loves me."

"In what way?"

"He loves me." I said emphasising on the 'loves'.


"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing. Hey, he told me you two had a fight. What was that about?"

"Uhh, yeah. We have to talk. I never told you, but he ran away for a day. He left a note on his bed for you guys & a separate one for me. I tracked him down & we talked for a bit & convinced him to come back." He cut me off.

"Then why didn't you tell us? Or just me?"

"In my letter he told me he couldn't be around anymore, while i'm with you, it hurt him too much. So i went after him."


I explained everything, & when i say everything, i mean everything. Including the kiss. I don't know what to think of his reaction. He was so upset. I can't believe i did this to Tyrone. He meant everything to me, but i know for a fact, i have feelings for Christian. I really wish i didn't.

Just as Tyrone was going to say something a doctor came in. She asked if Tyrone could leave the room for a second. He left & then sat down next to me, she gave me a symphathetic look. I don't know why.

"Hi Chloe, i'm Jessica, i will be your doctor through this journey. It will very hard, but we have you scheduled in for an operation to remove the tumor in two days. But i have some news that you need to know. Did you know you were pregnant?"


"Okay, because you're so young were you planning on keeping it?"

"Yes, i couldn't give up my own child."

"I'm so sorry Chloe. When you collapsed, you lost the baby. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't speak. I wanted this baby so much.

"I'll leave you alone, to get your head around this. Again, i'm so sorry."

~Tyrone's P.O.V~

The doctor walked out & i walked straight back in so i could finish off what i was going to say. I can't believe she basically cheated on me with my best friend. How could she do that to me. As i opened the door, she had her arms wrapped around her knees so that she was huddled up into a ball & she was crying.

"Chloe, what's wrong?"

"I, I, I." she couldn't even speak.

"I lost the baby when i collapsed" she managed to say.

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