Leaving home

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Y/n didn't care if Toriel was yelling for her to come back, nothing broke the rage she had until she trip onto a giant stone and finally noticed she was lost. She looked around an tried to find out where Snowdin was.

"M-maybe right o-over that hill?"  Y/n asked herself as she tried to warm her arms. She walked for hours, hoping she could find someway back to Snowdin. She yawned and feel down, she used the last of her strength to summon a gaster blaster. It looked at her ad flew off.

With sans....

He yawned as he stayed at his station, he got bored and tapped on the wood.

"I'm bone tired for this." He said, then he saw something hurtling infront of him and land in a pile of snow. "Hey, you okay buddy?" Sans asked as he made his way to the snow. He pulled out the thing that hurtled to the snow and was surprised to see it was Y/n blaster. "What'ca doing out here buddy." Sans asked it, it wiggled out of his hands and grabbed his hood and started dragging him.

"Hey, let go!" Sans yelled as he ripped his hood out of it's mouth. But it didn't give up, it started pushing him into the woods but he simply moved out of the way. "What do you need?" Sans asked, the blaster pointed itself at the woods. Sans still didn't get it, it rolled it's eyes and face planted on the ground. then it pointed at the outline and it seemed to be the shape of Y/n's head.

"Oh, what about Y/n?" He asked, it growl in anger and just grabbed his arm and ran away with it. "HEY! Give that back." Sans yelled as he used his blaster to catch up with it. He jumped onto it but it just disappeared with his arm still in the air. He caught it but face planted in the snow. His blaster snickered as it picked him up. He made it disappear as he reattached his arm.

"Y/n, if this is another game, I swear i'm gonna-" He said but then interrupted himself as he saw Y/n unconscious body laying on the ground. "Y/n? You okay kid?" He asked her, he used "Check" On her to see if she was alright.

"Level: 3, Hp: 30, Attack: 5, Defense: 3. Used last of her strength to get Sans to find her." A random voice said, Sans sighed and used his blue magic to pick up Y/n and toke her to his house.

"Sans, I figured you'd beat me her-, who is that?" Papyrus asked as he pointed at Y/n who then was put on the couch.

"That other skeleton I told you about." Sans said as he took of her jacket and put it on the coat hanger. Papyrus put a blanket over her.

"I really thought you were joking about another skeleton!" Papyrus said, Sans shrugged as he walked over to Y/n and just looked at her. "I shall make her spaghetti, there's suppose to be a snowstorm!" Papyrus said and ran into the kitchen, Sans snickered at this but then looked at Y/n again and noticed the heart on her forehead glowed a faint F/c and that there was dried tears near her eye sockets, this caused him to sigh.

"I really hope everything is alright in that skull of yours." Sans said as he sat on the floor and turned on the TV.

Time skip....

Sans was now snoring but was woken up when he fell on his face.

"Ugh, what time is it?" He asked, he noticed the blanket he had put on Y/n a bit ago was now on him. He hummed in thought as he got up and noticed Y/n wasn't on the couch. He got up and noticed Y/n was on the floor standing infront the window with her hood on her head. "Hey you okay kiddo?" He asked her as he got up, she didn't move. "Something on your mind?" He asked her again, she turned to face him to reveal tears coming from her eye sockets.

"Oh yeah, I just sorta found out a secret my mama kept from me for my whole life and found out from Flowey so yeah." She said as she sat on the couch, Sans sighed. If Flowey told you something, it usually isn't true unless he had some type of proof.

"You want to tell me about it? Keeping it bottled up doesn't help most of the time." Sans said to her, she just looked at the ground as Sans sat next to her. After a moment of silence, Y/n sighed.

"Do you know the last human who fell down in the underground, one that had a blue soul?" Y/n asked him, he nodded in reply. She sat up and made her soul appear, "Flowey said I was the last human to fall down here. He gave my necklace I gave to my mama and all my memories of being human came back to me." She said ad hugged her knees, Sans gave her a sad look and just hugged her.

"That's a lot to through in one night." He said, she smiled and hugged him back. "Do you just want to stay here? We have a extra room, for some reason." Sans said once he let go off her, she smiled at him.

"If it's not to much." She said, he just smiled and led her to the room. "Night sleepy bones." She said as she closed the door. She just took of her jacket and set it on the floor and got under the covers and smiled at the ceiling as she fell asleep.

"Y/n!" Someone yelled, she opened her eyes and saw she was standing infront of Sans with her arms out. She gasped as she felt something sharp hit her, she looked down and saw a human girl with a blue and purple striped shirt that was holding a knife in Y/n's shirt. The human pulled out the knife and stepped back in surprise. Y/n fell to her knees as blood came out her mouth.

"Y/n?" The human girl asked herself as Y/n fell into Sans arms, Y/n smiled weakly at Sans as his tears went on her face. Sans pleaded for her to not go as she slowly turned to dust.

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