Happily ever after

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As all monster kind started walking down the mountain, you looked at the city with fear as images of your foster parents came into your head. You felt someone grip your hand and turned to see Sans looking ahead with a bored but angered expression. You took a deep breath and kept walking with him. People screamed at the sight of the group. All but a child who looked at the monsters. Everyone hid as the child walked towards you, you let go of Sans hand and squatted done to the kid who held something in his hands which was a golden flower.

"You can come out! The monsters are peaceful!" Frisk said, the kid walked to a building as a man with his gun came out.

"Yeah right, back to the hell where you beasts came from!" He said and shot his gun, all the monsters gasped as your eyes went wide and you lifted your hand up. A large green shield stopped the bullet which was aimed at Undyne.

"OH you want to go punk? Let's go then!" She yelled and grabbed her spears. More men and guns came out.

"ENOUGH!" You yelled, the men, women and monsters turned to you. "Were here for peace. Please, i'm living proof they don't want to hurt you all." You said, the women and men turned to each other and laughed.

"As if, how are you living proof of monsters are not evil?" The man from before asked.

"Because she's the human who went up the mountain before me!" Frisk yelled, all laughing stopped and turned to you again. "She's Y/n L/n, the human soul of kindness! She was brought back to life and-"

"Y/n?" A woman asked from inside the crowd. You turned to it and saw Black short hair with blue eyes wearing a t-shirt with jeans. Your sockets went wide as you backed up. "You really did survive the fall." The woman said as she gave a fake smile.

"Now why are you backing away? Were family." A man with hazel eyes and hair while wearing plaid and leggings smiled at her.

"Y/n?" Sans asked you as you started shaking.

"It's them." You said and hugged yourself.

"If that's really her, then why is she backing away from her parents?" Another woman asked. "Better question, why did you go to the mountain?"

"T-to..." You stuttered but then something else came out of your mouth that wasn't English. Sans apparently understood it as well as Asgore as Papyrus balled his fists and walked infront of you.

"My friend, Y/n, has accused you of being mean to her!" Papyrus said as he pointed at the couple.

"Oh, we were just teasing!" Your foster mom said, Undyne growled and looked at you and saw you were shaking so bad.

"Sure doesn't seem that way. No one hurts this punk!" Undyne said as she stood next to Papyrus, Frisk smiled and stood with them. Sans held your hand like before as your hid behind him again.

"Mary," A man said, the couple turned to them. "What are they talking about?"

"N-nothing!" Mary said.

"False!" Asgore said with a frown. "I understand her, she claims to have wanted to get away from you!" He said.

"So what?" Your foster dad said. "How do we know your forcing her to say those things? She might just be lying just to make her little human friend to look good." He said, you looked up at him. "The kid has been an outcast ever since our dagther disappeared." He said.

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