We look awesome

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I wonder where I've heard this from...

You and Frisk had so much fun, that you almost forgot she had to leave soon. You and Frisk were sitting on a bench while eating some snow cones. You noticed Frisk's slouching position and thought something was wrong.

"Frisk?" You asked, they looked up at you. "Is something wrong?" You asked, they sighed and looked ahead.

"I think I need to leave." She said, you dropped your snow cone.

"What?! But don't you like it here?" You asked as you stood up, they sighed.

"I do but I had an idea." Frisk said and looked up at you who had an extremely worried face. "Come with me!" She said, you froze. "You can help me and we don't have to be separated ever again!" They said, you hugged yourself. You looked at their pleading eyes and you sighed.


"Y/n!" Someone yelled, you both looked up and saw Sans  waving at you. You looked at him and smirked sadly at him. Frisk looked at you then at Sans, you again, Sans again and sighed.

"Your happier here." They said, you looked at Frisk in surprise. "I understand if you'd want to stay here. You don't have to say it." Frisk said and smiled at you, you smiled sadly at them. "I guess this is goodbye." They said, you frowned.

"No, this is just a see you later." You said and hugged Frisk, they smiled and hugged you back.

"See you later, Y/n." She said as you let her go. You sighed as you watched her walk away. Sans walked over to you.

"You knew she was going to leave some day." He said, you nodded but watched her sadly. ""Come one, I know what will cheer you up." He said and grabbed your wrist. He lead you to the same store you use to get Toriel her groceries, Grilby's. "Hey buddy!" Sans said as he led you to the bar where the familiar flame monster was like last time.

"Afternoon Sans." He said and looked at you. "this has got to be the third girl you've brought to my bar." He said, you smirked.

"This is actually the first skeleton I brought. Can I have some ketchup?" Sans said, Grillby looked at you.

"Water is fine." You said, Grillby gave you guys your drinks and went to tend back to some other customers. You messed with the ice cubes in the water as Sans drank his ketchup.

"Why did you get plan water?" He asked, you shrugged your shoulders. He looked at his ketchup and then at Grillby. "Can I get another?" Sans asked and hid his half empty bottle.

"Another?" Grillby asked, Sans used his head to gesture to you and Grillby got the idea. "Okay then, this one's on the house." Grillby said and handed Sans another bottle. He walked away as Sans pushed the bottle to you.

"Trust me, it'll help." He said as you picked it up. You looked at him drink his and seen him unfazed. "It's just like a shake." He said, you looked at the bottle with curiosity and started drinking it. You looked at it with wide but star filled eyes. "See told y-" He stopped when he saw you chug the bottle.

"Sans, I think someone just beat your record." Grillby said as you set the bottle down with  smile. You started giggling and just drumming on the table. You turned to the left and saw a dart board. You ran over to it and threw darts at the board and didn't even get anywhere close to the board's center.

"oh well!" You said and started walking around so much, Sans could've sworn you left marks in the ground. You finally sighed and sat on the island seat and banged your head on the table.

"You good?" He asked, you mumbled something in reply. So Sans slid you another bottle. "wanna hear a bad joke?" He asked, you looked up at him. "What do you call a Bear without ears?" He asked.

"I don't know, a deaf bear?" You asked.

"A B." He said, you smirked. "Okay, okay. I got another." he said so you drank some of the ketchup before looking at him. "A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel on his pants, a peg leg and a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says, 'Hey, you've got a steering wheel on your pants." Sans said.

"So what does the pirate say?" you asked, he smirked.

"Arrrr, I know. It's driving me nuts." He said, you snickered at him. "What does a pepper do when it's angry?" He asked, you smirked at him.

"I don't know." You said, he smirked at you.

"It gets jalapeno face!" He said, you laughed a bit. "as a scarecrow, people say I'm outstanding in my field. But hay, it's in my jeans!" He said, you started laughing so much, you blushed. Sans looked at you and blushed a bit as he was shocked. He didn't know why, but he liked your laugh. You sighed and looked at him.

"Thanks Sans, I needed this." You said, he blinked and sighed as he looked at you.

"Don't mention it kid." He said, you rolled your eyes.

"You guys should get home, you both look tired." Grillby said, you blinked at him.

"We look awesome." You said, then you yawned. Grillby smirked and took the bottle from you.

"Guess she really did this." He said, and wrote something on a paper and you noticed.

"How big is your Tab, Sans?" You asked him, he looked like he was thinking while Grillby handed you a note with it. Your eye sockets went black as you looked at it. It was about all of your money.

"Yeah, it's big. I've been trying to pay it once I get pay-" Sans stopped when you reached into you pocket and pulled out two pouches.

"Each of them have fifty." You told Grillby, he blinked at you and the Sans who was equally shocked. "You can keep the change." You told Grillby once you handed him another pouch. He took the punches and smiled.

"You sure are a kind monster." He told you, you smirked and sighed once he was gone. You looked at Sans who was shocked.

"Why did you do that?" He asked you, you shrugged your shoulders and looked ahead with tired eyes.

"Her soul you idiot." Some one said, he flinched and looked around but didn't see the monster he was looking for. He heard soft snoring and turned to you to see you asleep so he sighed.

"Let's get you home." He said and snapped his fingers and you turned blue as did your soul. He jumped off and walked away while saying goodbye to Grillby and taking you with him.

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