"Your positive it's that way?" Sans asked as you looked at the forest.

"Yup." You said and turned to him. "I can make it from here. I don't want to get you in trouble." She said, he sighed.

"You sure, you looked really chilled to the bone this morning." He said, the memory flashed through your head but you shook it off.

"I'll be fine. Snow reason to worry about me to much." You said with a smirk, he laughed softly. "I promise to be back around lunch." You said, he sighed again but nodded and teleport away. You waited for a few moments to make sure he was gone and then punched a tree down next to you. You looked at the trail again and went down it. Now that you were alone, you could think a bit.

"What did Flowey mean by it's my fault Sans was having nightmares? He was perfectly fine last night, until he had to wake me up from my nightmare." You asked yourself and stopped as the ruins door came into view. "Maybe I can talk to mama about this?" You asked yourself as you looked at your hands. "She's been able to help me in the past, now shouldn't be any different." You said and looked at your watch that Papyrus had gotten you. "Right then, let's see if this works." You said and closed your eyes.

With Toriel...

Toriel was in the kitchen pulling out a pie from her oven with a bright smile. Ever since you had called her, she's been in such a good mood. Sure, she was a little sad that Frisk had went to continue their journey but she was just happy she was able to know you were alright. She set the pie on the oven and was about to cut a slit on the pie for cooling until the knife glowed green slightly.

"Huh?" She said and pulled her hand back from the knife, which then fell off the counter and glowed green even more as it floated in the air. "But, how?" she asked, the blade then made a run for it. "Wait! Hang on!" Toriel yelled as the knife went downstairs. She tried blasting it but it dodged with ease and then stuck itself in the door which caused you to yelp.

"Ow." Y/n said on the other side of the door with a groan. "She probably didn't even follow it." She said.

"Y/n?" Toriel asked, you looked up in surprise as Toriel walked closer to the door. "Is that you my child?" She asked as she put her hand on the door with tears going down her face, you got up quickly and put your hand on the door. Unaware it was the same spot Toriel put her hand on.

"Yes, mama, it's me." You said, she broke down in tears but you stayed right where you were the whole time. You both talked again for a while, she even told you Frisk like the same pie as you which didn't surprise you since the other option was snails, you think.

"Is something wrong my child?" She asked, you sighed and sat against the door.

"I've had more nightmares, but not about Asgore." You said, she looked at the door with worry. "I've had dreams about Frisk hurt monsters and some one trying to take my soul."

"Oh dear, have you told the skeleton brothers?" She asked, you didn't answer.

"One of the skeletons I've been staying with had nightmares. The first time it happened is actually how I met his brother." You said as you chuckled, Toriel smirked at the door and then she yawned. "I should get going." You said, the door creaked open a bit as you got up.

"I can't let you in but I can give this to you." Toriel said and slid something out the door before it closed. You picked it up to reveal a phone, this caused you to smile at the door. "Maybe you can call me later on. I to have things to attend to." She said and stood up as you looked at the phone.

"Before I go..." You paused as she looked at the door. "Even though I know your not my birth mother, how did you find me?" You asked, she sighed.

"It was like it happened yesterday..." Toriel started.

Flash back...

A younger Toriel was staring at the stairs that led to the exit of the ruins.

I was younger and was waiting for you to come back, to tell me everything was fine.

Toriel sighed as she sat on her legs and tears rolled down her cheeks.

I was about to lose hope, until I heard something.

A baby's cries echoed from the hall, causing Toriel to gasp and run down the hall.

I rushed down to the door, I tried opening it with all my might and found...

Toriel grunted as she pushed the door open and looked down to see a small pile in a basket. She gasped and picked up the huddle, which was still crying. She moved some cloth to reveal a younger you but still as a skeleton.


Back to the present...

"You didn't have anything, I did however find a blank note with my name on it." Toriel said, you looked at your hand and sighed. "You promise to call at least twice a week, yes?" She asked.

"Yup, I should get going." You said, you both said your goodbyes and you went back to Sans station. You saw he was sleeping and got an idea.

Time skip...

Sans woke himself up and yawned, only to have snow to be dropped on his face.

"Really?" He said and looked at his roof, unaware you were staring at him while being invisible and tried to hold in your laughter. He sighed and looked ahead, you noticed he look really tired so you figured if he didn't know you were here, he'd finally let himself think. You learned that all you have to do to stop from reading peoples thoughts was just thinking about. So you thought about reading his mind.

I hope that kid keeps their word, I can't go through all of that again. Why would the kid reset?!  He rubbed his skull and sighed again. Why would the kid kill their own best friend? He asked, you froze, all those bad dreams of Frisk, they were real. No wonder Sans was so freaked after a night mare, because it was about Frisk killing you. 

You kicked off a giant pile of snow and quickly ran into the woods when Sans wasn't paying attention. You reappeared and took deep breathes and grabbed your head as you heard Flowey's words overlapping.

"IT'S ALL YOUR DOING!" You fell to your knees.

"No, no, no. It's c-can't be." She said.

"Then why not ask him?" Flowey's voice asked, you didn't find it weird or anything. You thought it was your thoughts as you took deep breathes and focused on the silence. You sighed and got up. You rubbed your skull and walked to try and find Sans's station.

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