Flowey's plan

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Spoiler alert for the game.

"Hey guys, I brought someone." Sans said, you yelped and turned invisible as Sans moved out of the way. You opened your eyes and saw a scientist that was a Dino monster, Undyne, Papyrus, Frisk and two other monsters.

"Who are we suppose to see again?" Undyne asked, you smiled bright when you saw Toriel.

"Mama!" You said and started running to Toriel and reappeared as she cried from the sound of your voice. You jumped in the air and hugged Toriel.

"My child!" Toriel said as she hugged you. "I've missed seeing you." She said, you smiled, until you heard someone clear their throat You turned your head and saw Asgore.

"EEP!" You yelped and became invisible and made a blaster out of defense. Asgore became shocked by the blaster and was about to grab his trident until Sans stopped him.

"Sans, explain who this skeleton is." Asgore said, Toriel set you down and allowed you to hid behind her.

"WHY?! SO YOU GET MY SOUL AGAIN?!" You yelled, everyone became quiet.

"Well that was an interesting turn of events." Dr. Alphys said, Asgore looked at the blaster and saw the one glowing green eye.

"Are you, the human that came before Frisk?" Asgore asked, you became visible and glared at him. "I'm sorry I did that to you, I didn't think their was another way." He said.

"Why didn't you just keep the other humans alive and use their souls then?" Alphys asked, the group was quiet again until Toriel cleared her throat. You snapped your fingers and the blaster disappeared.

"Who taught you to make such a thing?" Toriel asked, clearly made. You didn't answer. "I'm not made whoever taught you, i'm annoyed with Asgore at the moment." She said, you pointed at Sans as soon as she said it.

"Sure I taught you something, Y/n." Papyrus said with sadness, you hummed in thought.

"You taught me to laugh at Sans jokes, to keep him awake and how to avoid traps while I am out on walks." You said with a smirk.

"W-wait!" Toriel said as she walked in between Undyne and Alphys who seemed to have been trying to kiss. You gagged at the thought. "Not infront of the human!"

"I would've said not infront of Papyrus but okay." Y/n said to Sans who snickered as Papyrus was now curious.

"Uh, right!" Alphys said as she backed away. "S-sorry i got a little carried away there." She said, Toriel laughed softly as Sans stood in between Toriel and Alphys while Papyrus was standing on the empty space of her. You walked over and stood next to sans with a smirk as the small group of monsters looked at Frisk.

"My child, it seems as if you must stay here for a while. But looking at all the great friends you man," Toriel paused and looked at the group who smirked or smiled nervously. "I think, I think you will be happy here." Toriel said, Frisk smiled joyfully.

"H-hey, that reminds me." Alphys said, the group turned to her but she was looking at Papyrus. "Papyrus, you called everyone here, right? Well, besides, uh, her." Alphys said and pointed at Toriel. "Uh, anyway, if I got here before you... how did you know to call everyone?" Alphys said.

"Let's just say..." He said as he squinted his eyes. "A tiny flower helped me!" Papyrus said, your sockets went black.

"A, tiny, flower?" You asked then you yelped as vines grabbed everyone but Frisk. "No, no, no. Please let me be wrong!" You said as you tried to escape. Flowey appeared below you all as Frisk gasped and stepped back in fear.

"You IDIOTS! While you guys were having your little pow-wow..." Flowey said as he stuck out his tongue but then his face became creepy. "I took all the human souls!" He said, you were pushed closer to him. "Well, all but one." Flowey said with a smirk.

"I told you I wouldn't bother you anymore, I guess you just didn't know what I meant." He said with a smile, your souls appeared infront of you and your eyes widened.

"Please Flowey! have Mercy on her!" Toriel yelled, he turned to her and rolled his eyes. The other monsters agreed and all he did was laugh, you vision was coming true. Frisk wanted to help but they was frozen in fear.

"L-let me go!" You said, Flowey only laughed at you as one of his vines curled around your soul.

"You have something I need. Don't worry." He said kindly as you tried to pull back. "It'll only hurt for a second." He said and ripped it out, you screamed in pain as everyone gasped while Sans, Papyrus and Toriel tried to get free. Your soul lit up in his vine as the color from your skull disappeared, when the color on your clothes disappeared as Flowey dropped you.

"NO!" Sans yelled as tears went down his face. Frisk rushed to your body and flipped you onto your back to show your black eye sockets.

"Y/n?" They asked, you blinked with caused them to gasp and fall back as you sat up.

"Huh?" Flowey said, you creepily turn your head to Flowey who has sweat going down his face. Then he got an idea. "You were raised from the dead, meaning whoever used their magic to make you come to life is still in you." He said, you looked forward and got up and he laughed at you as you looked at the group.

"This is all your fault!" Flowey yelled at Frisk who was crying now. You turned to them and turned your head in curiosity. "It's all because you made them love you. All the time you spent listening to them, encouraging them, caring about them. Without that, they wouldn't have come here!" He yelled at them, he then screamed when something was shot at him. Everyone looked at where the shot came from.

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