Nearly at Death's door.

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You finally got Undyne and Alphys free and now it was time for the skeleton brothers. You coughed as you fell down and the skeleton brothers finely formed infront of you.

"I-it seems I n-need help." You said and gasped for breath. "I-if only I had someone so amazing to h-help me." You said and started taking deep breathes.

"I can help you!" Some one said, then they gasped and ran to you. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Papyrus asked as he helped you up.

"I-i'm fine. I need to get Sans but I really need you to help Frisk." You said.

"B-but, your dusting!" He cried as tears fell down his face. "I can't lose another family member!"

"I need my soul to stop dusting, I can only get it from Flowey who is fighting Frisk!" You said and gasped as you grabbed your shirt where your soul would've been.

"A-alright, you sure you'll be okay?" He asked as you looked at your health bar. 10/20.

"yes, I should be okay, but go help frisk." You said, he nodded and ran to the group as you turned to Sans. "P-please Sans, the others need you." You said, he looked away. You decided to look in his head.

"It's my fault, Y/n would've been fine if I had just tried harder! Now's she's going to die because of me again. I can't lose her again, I care for her to much." He thought, you smiled at him while blushing a bit.

"Sans, " He turned to you. "You've helped me through everything. Some I which you didn't have to. I'm sorry I caused you pain in the past timelines but did you maybe think why I tried to save you and took the pain instead?" You asked him.

"N-no." He said, you walked over to him, you didn't care your hands were almost dust.

"Because I care for you as much as I think you do for me." You said and kissed his cheek. He blushed as he snapped out of it. You smiled tiredly at him as you started to fall. He gasped and caught you.

"No, no, no." He said as he held you, you smiled. "Please don't leave me, not again." He cried, you smiled tiredly at him as Frisk tried to reach out to Asriel.

"Heh, I guess I used up my second wind." You said.

"Please stop, why are you making jokes?" He asked you, you sighed and looked up at him.

"S-some one has to find the b-bright side of even t-the darkest things." You said as Asriel blasted Frisk until they were nearly dead. Frisk kept on trying to save Asriel until he finally gave in. The rest of the monsters ran to you. Papyrus sat next to Sans with tears in his eyes as your health bar started going red. 2/20.

"My child." Toriel said with tears, Asgore hugged her. Even if she was mad at him, she hugged him back. Alphys was bawling while Undyne had to look away with tears in her eyes.

"We won't forget your sacrifice, I will make sure of that." Papyrus said, you smiled as Sans just hugged you. You tried to hug him back as you closed your eyes.

"I love you." Sans whispered so softly, you almost didn't hear him.


Everyone gasped as a giant boom was heard and turned to see where it was from. Everyone, but Sans who kept on crying silently. A bright light walked to the group, they moved out of the way as the light walked to Sans.

"Human Frisk?" Papyrus asked as the light disappeared to reveal a tired Frisk holding something.

"Sans." They said, he looked up at them and his sockets went wide as he saw what Frisk was holding, it was your soul. He set down your body on the ground but didn't move as Frisk knelled down next to your nearly gone body. She placed the soul onto of your chest. It shined for a moment and disappeared. Everyone looked at your health bar.

"D-did it work?" Sans asked, you had stopped dusting away for sure. The room suddenly had green dots everywhere. The dots moved with green string behind them as they flew to you. Sans smiled as you started to appear piece by piece. 


"Y/n?" Papyrus asked as you were now fully back, even with your colorful makings and clothes. You scrunched your eyes as you groaned, you tried to sit up. Sans helped you up as you groaned and rubbed your forehead. You blinked a couple of times and opened your eyes and looked around at the group who seemed like they were crying.

"You guys okay?" You asked, Everyone but Asgore dog piled you and gave you a giant hug. You zoned out their thoughts because you couldn't even here what they were saying. You smiled at them all and saw a sad Asgore. You sighed and snapped your fingers.

"Wha-?!" He said as his soul became green and you pulled him closer to the group.

"If you help fight, you get n the group hug." You said, Asgore looked at Toriel nervously who glared at him until she looked at you and sighed and nodded to him. Asgore smiled and hugged you back. You looked at Frisk and smiled at them. Then you looked at Sans and blushed a bit, he smirked at you

Time skip...

Once Toriel made sure there was zero chance of you dusting away, Frisk was looking at a door. She looked at the door to and smiled at the sight of sunlight. The barrier was broken, Frisk started walking to it.

"Come on!" You said and grabbed Sans wrist and lead him. You all walked out and saw the sun. You zoned out as you watch the sun in between the mountain and the city.

"Y/n?" Sans asked, you turned to him and saw everyone was gone. "You okay?" He asked, you looked at his hand and grabbed it with your own.

"I am now." You said and looked at the sun. Sans blushed a bit and looked at the sun. However, you both were unaware that Alphys, Mettaton and Frisk were watching you both.

"Ship." They said in sinc.

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