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Y/n groaned as she woke from her forgotten dream.

"Y/n!" Someone yelled in the hallway, she got out of bed and ran into Sans room. She saw Sans hyperventilating.

"Sans? Are you okay?" She asked him, he saw her and teleported to her and tackled her with a hug. "Sans, whats wrong?" She asked him again, all he did was hug her.

"Sans?" Papyrus asked, he walked out of his room and walked into Sans room. He spotted Y/n who was just on the floor.

"I'm Y/n." Y/n said as she held her hand in the air.

"Oh, um, I'm Papyrus. Is Sans alright?" Papyrus asked her after shaking her hand. She just shoved her shoulders to show she had zero idea. "Sans?" Papyrus asked his brother, he tried to pull him off Y/n but his grip only became tighter.

"Sans. I can hardly breath." She said, he eventually let go and Y/n gasped for air. She sat up once Sans got up. "Sans are you alright?" She asked him, he just sighed.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Papyrus asked him as he held his brother up. He only nodded in reply. "Oh Sans." Papyrus said and hugged Sans, Y/n only smiled and then Papyrus pulled her into the hug.

Time skip...

"Your sure it won't be to much of a problem?" Y/n asked the skeleton brothers, they had eventually changed once Y/n left Sans room. Papyrus was in his battle armor and Sans in his blue jacket.

"Of course not! We will allow you to live here as long as you wish, just lock the door on our way out." Papyrus said as he hauled sans over his shoulder, knowing his brother would just fall asleep on the way to his station.

"Out?" She asked them, Papyrus looked at his brother only to see he had fallen asleep. "You mean, i'm going to be alone?" She asked them, she never really was alone but she felt like there was something trying to grab her when she was.

"Well, if you want to, you could stay with Sans. He usually falls asleep when he's at his station and is never watching for humans." Papyrus said, Y/n's eyes turned into f/c stars with delight as she jumped up into the air. Sans smiled at this as they went to his station.

"Why do you have weed killer?" Sans asked her, she brought her satchel and a spray bottle had fallen out when Papyrus went to go check his traps.

"You know why." She said, she put it back in her bag. Sans was still confused.

"Howdy there Y/n!" Flowey said behind them, she pulled out the bottle.

"KILL IT!" She yelled over and over again as she chased the flower with the bottle. Sans laughed so much, he fell out of his chair again and nearly passed out. When he sat up, he saw Y/n walking back to the station. "He got away." She pouted as she sat down, Sans smirked.

"Since there's nothing really to do, want to learn some other magic?" Sans asked as he got out of his station and walked to Y/n.

"I thought we we're suppose to look for h-" She stopped herself from finishing the sentence and looked at the ground. Sans sighed.

"I bet it'll keep your mind off somethings" He said as he held out his hand, she looked at it and then at the forest. Sans was confused why she looked over there but went with it.

"Alright, but just this once." She said, they tried for a couple hours but nothing happened. She pouted but then saw the snow and then saw Sans just laying on the floor. She smiled evilly and threw a ball at his face.

"oh it is on." He said and used his blue attack to make a giant pile of snow. She yelped and tried to run only for the ball to fall on her. Sans ran to see if she was alright. "Y/n?" He called, no response. "Y/N!"

"Jeez." She said, he jumped because he could see her. "I was standing right next to you." She said, he looked around and rubbed his skull.

"Um, I can't see you." He said, he heard her laugh but he just looked more confused. He then got an idea and picked up a giant pile of snow and threw it up in the air and threw a bone in the middle. Dropping miniature snowballs in the process, then some seemed to be floating in the air next to him.

"Wow, nice trick." She said and clapped her hands, then the small balls of snow looked down and yelped. "WHY AM I INVISIBLE?!" She yelled at Sans as she grabbed his jacket and shook him.

"I d-don't k-know!" Sans said, the huddle sighed and dropped Sans. "I wonder what made you invisible." He said to himself as he got up.

"Well, before your giant snowball hit me..." She said and kicked the somewhat big pile of snow. "I did want to hide where you couldn't find me." She said, Sans rubbed his chin.

"I guess this is one way to do it." He said as he tried to guess if she was glaring or thinking as well. "So maybe to become invisible you just have to think of hiding, maybe to reappear you just have to think your found?" He said, Y/n sighed.

"Well, I guess that makes more sense." She said, she thought for a moment, closed her eyes and then opened them after a minute. "Did it work?" She asked, Sans fell to the ground in laughter. Now that Y/n was visible, she looked like a million people just threw snowballs as her face and head.

"Y-you look l-like a snow m-man! Pff Ha ha ha ha!" Sans laughed, she looked at some nearby ice and sighed.

"So do you." She said as she dusted the snow off her head.

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