Hi again

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"Y/N!" Sans yelled, he and Papyrus were running through the forest trying to find you. It wasn't until Papyrus hit himself in the head with a tree. "Pap, you okay?" Sans asked as he ran to his brothers aid.

"Of course br-" Papyrus stopped when he looked ahead. Sans followed his gaze and his sockets went dark when he you standing infront of the human. He lifted up his hand until you walked up to the human, knelled down and hugged the human. "Brother, what is she doing?"

"I can't believe it!" The human said with delight, you smiled once you let the human go. "I'm so sorry about what I did to everyone." The human said as regret flashed through her face.  Y/n sighed and Sans had enough.

"Leave her alone Kid!" Sans said and made a barrier of bones between Y/n and the human. You looked at Sans with fear. You started banging on the bones.

"Come along Y/n, before the human gets you!" Papyrus yelled, you looked around and climbed the bones. Papyrus grabbed you and you started trying to kick him off.

"No stop!" You said as you tried to go back but Papyrus was stronger.

"Take her back to the house." Sans said, Papyrus nodded and started running.

"Y/n!" The human yelled, you tried with all your might but nothing work. He ran into the house and set you down and you tried to get out the door but he stopped you in time.

"Please no!" You yelled as you started crying. "please Papyrus!"

"I'm sorry ms Y/n. But Sans told me if your not going to let him work I had to bring you home." He said and started bring you upstairs. He set you down in your room before closing the door and locking it.

"No! Please!" You yelled and started crying as you punched the door. Memories of you being alone as a child came to mind. This was one way of punishments and you hated the dark. "Please!" You said quietly as you hit the door. "I don't want to be alone." You said as you slid down the wall..

Time skip...

You were sitting in the middle of your room with a glowing bone infront of you. Your door and window was covered with blue attacks to keep you from running away.

"She hates being alone!" Some one yelled downstairs. You covered the spot where your ears usually were as memories came to your mind of two people fighting while your were locked inside your room.

"No, no, no. Please stop." You plead as you closed your eyes. Your door then was starting to be banged on, which caused you to scream and run into something. You ran into your closet and cried silently as your door was opened.

"Y/n?" The voice from before asked, you covered yourself with a blanket and hoped they didn't find you. The closet door opened and you started shaking even more. "Y/n?"

"P-please don't h-hurt me." You said quietly as the blanket was pulled off. You were hugging your legs while your face was in your knees.

"Y/n, it's okay, your not at your foster home." A voice said again, you looked up and saw the human, Frisk. They was smiling at you while Papyrus and Sans were in the door way. "Your in the underground, they can't get you here." She said and hugged you, you hugged them back and sighed in relief.

Time skip...

You and the group were sitting at a table in the kitchen but you were still shaking.

"I am so sorry Y/n." Papyrus said, you looked up at him. "I didn't know you were so afraid of the dark." He said, you sighed.

"That's not true." You said, the brothers looked at you as Frisk sighed. "When I was younger, I was coming in and out of foster homes. No one wanted me because I liked monsters when I was little." You said as you hugged yourself. "The last foster home I had, they yelled and fought. I tried to find peace but they always locked me in my room. I cried and cried for them to let me out but they never did." You said, Sans looked at you sadly.

"She always stood up for me when bullies came around but one day she disappeared." Frisk said and looked at you.

"I was running from the foster home. I went up mount Ebott only to fall into the underground and meet-" You stopped and Frisk saw this.

"She misses you." Frisk said, you smirked as Frisk pulled something out and pushed it to you. Papyrus picked up Sans with a sad smile and walked away. "Call her."

"I can't! She'll yell at me." You said, Frisk sighed.

"When I lived with Toriel, she would talk about you. She was always so sad to. Just call her." Frisk said and walked off. You looked at the phone and picked it up, you looked through the contacts and saw Toriel. You picked that one and heard the phone ring.

"Hello my child! Is everything alright?" Toriel asked on the other line.

"Hi Mama." You said, You heard silence and then crying.

"Y/n? I-is that you?" She asked, you hummed as an answer. "Y/n, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you! I knew I should've told you but I-"

"You were just trying to protect me. I should be the appolizing. I'm so sorry I ran away. I just wasn't thinking." You said, she sighed. "If it makes you feel any better, I learned about my past. I also know some magic." You said, you felt her smiling.

"That's so good to hear. Is Frisk with you?" She asked, You smiled.

"Yeah, she's hanging out with some friends that have let me live with them." You said, you and Toriel talk for a while and had so much fun. You didn't even notice Sans, Papyrus and Frisk watching you with a smile. When you ended the call, you allowed Frisk to sleep in your room and you both had some fun before heading to bed.

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