!chapter one!

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"it's just a cavity filling, get over it!"

"easy for you to say, you're the one thats watching it be done!"

"hey, it's hard to watch, ya know. it makes my teeth hurt."

"shut up, just shut up, you're not making me feel any better," geoff turned from awsten to look out the window, a look of anger mixed with distress covering his pale face. his eyes had started to water when they pulled into the dental office. his eyes looked like salty oceans, especially when he was crying, when he was crying they turned to an even brighter blue. a blue that could make you cry too. or maybe it was just geoff's pouting face. he was definitely not an ugly cryer, he was beautiful. he could have anyone he wanted but he didn't seem interested in anyone he'd ever met or seen.

awsten opened the door for geoff, and he hesitantly stepped out, glaring at awsten, "thanks." he was physically shaking now as he looked up at the sign on the building. "awsten, i- please don't make me.."

"you have a cavity," awsten replied, grabbing geoff's hand and pulling him closer to the door.

"but-but i don't even feel it," geoff pulled back towards awsten's car.

"well if you let it chill in your mouth, you're gonna have to come back later for something worse. a root canal," he stated, trudging ahead as geoff kept pulling back.

"what's that like?"

"it's kind of like a filling but worse. way, way worse."

geoff stopped walking and let go of awsten's hand, "wha-what? worse?" his eyes started to water even more.

"cmon, you're gonna be late," awsten came back to grab geoff's hand but he pulled it away quickly.

"i'm not going."

"oh yes you are," awsten struggled to pick him up at first but proceeded with him in his arms to the door of the small building. geoff of course was trying to break free the whole time and the tears in his eyes grew as the smell of the building met his nose.

"uhh geoff wigington," awsten told the lady at the front desk and she nodded for them to go and sit down.

"i hate you.. i hate you so much," geoff huffed as he sat down next to awsten.

"yeah, whatever."

"geoff?" geoffs whole body tensed up and he looked at awsten who was scrolling on his phone, avoiding eye contact.

"that's you, isn't it?" he said, "go, geoff." the lady who had called for him stood there patiently, watching geoff hesitantly get up and walk over to her.

"hey, follow me, geoff." she was so cheerful which made geoff feel even more uneasy. he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. although he was kinda glad that awsten decided not to watch, he still felt uneasy and wanted him to come just incase.

he didn't follow the lady and instead stood in the hallway, waiting for awsten to realize and come.

as soon as awsten looked up and saw him, he groaned and reluctantly got up.

"you're a pussy.." awsten stated, geoff flashed his shameful eyes at him and proceeded to follow the lady.

"you can take a seat right there," the woman said to geoff, pointing at the chair.

geoff was already spacing out, thinking of all the bad things that could happen. awsten pat him on the back before sitting down in another chair and focusing his attention back to his phone.

the woman explained the procedure to geoff and soon enough, in came the needle. great. this is where things would get interesting. the size of geoffs eyes grew ten times larger than they already had been.

"awsten-AWSTEN.." awsten looked up from his phone to see geoff staring down the needle, clearly about to start crying again.

"you'll be fine. just close your eyes or something."

geoff fainted before he heard the second sentence.


a/n : i'll edit tomorrow i'm fuxking tired 🌚 this kinna gross ngl and i'm not promising that it'll get better .. also updates - whenever i can, at least once a week but i'll probably try for two updates a week , i only have the first 15 pre written so uhhhh we'll see. thanks bye VOTE PLEASE IM : IN NEED OF CLOUT ALSO ADD IT TO YOUR READING THINGS OKAY THANK YOU I LOVE U PROBABLY

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