Target Practise S1 E1

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Following the witch's threat to mine and my brothers lives, every single piece of security regarding us was heightened. Neither of us could go anywhere without being watched or escorted. While Arthur had been stuck with the Hawkeye of one of the senior guards, the guard that I had following me around was someone who I had grown up with. Sir Leon. Ever since childhood Leon has been one of the nicest guys that I have ever met. There were so many worse guards I could've had but I got lucky with Leon.

Later that day, I went back to my room, shutting the door right behind me giving me some freedom from the constant following. Don't get me wrong, I love Leon but it was a little too much. This was the only place in the castle where my guards were not allowed without my permission and at this moment of time I refused entry.

Changing into my nightwear, I climbed into my bed hoping that I would wake and this would all be a seriously twisted nightmare. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell into another world where I didn't have to fear for my life or always put on a smile and be strong; A world where I was free and could do anything I pleased; A would that was so different from the one I was trapped in.

The next morning came, and with it came the doubt of what was to come, the light of the rising sun creeping slowly to cover my messy bed. It snuck up on me menacingly and shone bright in my eyes to awake me from my slumber.

Rising from my bed, I quickly made my bed before retreating to the desk on the other side of the room. Sitting anxiously at my desk, tired of seeing the same blank expression staring back at me from in the mirror, I turned away from it and instead stared out of my window.

Even with the looming threat of the witch, Camelot was as lively as ever. People were already up and selling their produce in the main square, conversing with each other, laughing, and smiling as they pleased. The joy was almost contagious as I smiled down at the scene in front of me. Suddenly, there was a rapt knock at the door.

"Come in," I announced, turning away from window, and looking over at the door.

Thankfully, it was just Arthur. Though I noticed that even now, his face also seemed paler than usual indicating to me that he hadn't slept well at all, worrying about what had happened yesterday. While people always thought Arthur was some tough Prince who was reckless and didn't care for anyone, I knew better. Arthur was an overthinker, whether he realised it or not. He cared a lot more than he let on and when something like yesterday happens, I know him well enough to know he hadn't stopped thinking about it.

"How are you?" Arthur asked, walking over to me, and sitting at my window seat.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken, that's all." I answered truthfully, perching on the side of the seat beside him.

"Look. I don't think we should let one little threat ruin our plans for today, don't you?" Arthur asked, putting a smile onto his face, clearly trying to downplay everything that had happened.

"Are you sure it's safe? I mean, leaving the castle is sure to be dangerous." Out of the two of us, I had always been the more logical one whereas Arthur acted first then thought later. So I guess he was a little bit more reckless than I give him credit for.

"Probably but we can't just hide in here and wait for the witch to leave because she isn't, Chelsea. She isn't going to leave until she fulfils what she promised yesterday. What's the phrase? Oh yeah, life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain," Arthur said smirking, clearly pleased at the slight amount of sense his little speech just made.

"Fine, just let me get changed. I'll meet you at the doors in half an hour."

Arthur left, allowing me to change into something more practical.

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