Saying our Goodbyes S1 E13

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After a few hours, Gaius returned and sat beside me.

"Any change or improvement?" Gaius asked.

"I mean, he's still breathing so I guess it's a good sign," I muttered. "How's Merlin?"

Gaius hesitated before sighing.

"He's still breathing," Gaius repeated my words.

"I'm gonna go and see him," I told Gaius, but before I could even stand up, I heard a groan from the bed.

"Arthur?" My Father asked.

I walked over to his bed and sat by his side. I heard the door open and then close so I turned to see that Gaius had left the room.

"I'll leave you two to talk," I said to Father.

I only said this because I had to go and see Merlin. It wasn't even an option.

When I arrived at Gaius', I saw Merlin leaning against a table. As soon as Gaius noticed my arrival he went into the next room.

"I thought you said you weren't coming back," I commented.

"I didn't think I was. And anyway, I'll be gone soon," Merlin told me.

"What happened on the island?" I asked, going over to him.

"Well, Nimueh was there and she told me that for Arthur to live, a life must be paid in return," Merlin began.

"Your life," I whispered.

"My life," he confirmed. "But Arthur lives. This was what I was destined to do."

"This isn't destiny, this is madness. There's a difference," I replied.

"Can't it be both?"

"Not when it means that I'm going to lose you."

"You're not losing me. I'll always be with you.
Maybe not in person but I will always be there for you."


"I'll be...I'll be your guardian angel," Merlin suggested, causing me to laugh.

"I'm just picturing you as an angel."

"How do I look?"

"Like you shouldn't be there."


"No, Merlin. I should be the one there. He is my brother and well to be honest, I'm not exactly useful to the Kingdom."

"What about me then? If you don't think you're useful, how am I?"

"Your Arthur's servant. You help him and he is the most important person here."

"No he's not."

"What? Ok, maybe my Father has some importance but definitely not that much."

"I'm not talking about your Father. I'm talking about you. You will always be the most important person. If not to the Kingdom, to me."

After speaking to Merlin for a few more hours, I returned to my room and went to sleep. I had begun to feel a bit feverish and just wanted to sleep. Of course I never tod Merlin this because I didn't want him to worry for me. I would be fine.

Merlins POV
After Chelsea left, I went to my room and sat on my bed deep in thought. My hand was still grasped around the lucky rabbits foot that Gaius had given to me before I left for the island of the blessed.

How could Chelsea possibly believe that she wasn't important?

As I tried to come up with a valid reason as to why she was right I fell asleep and never came up with one.

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