The Stocks S1 E1

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💚 Edited – 15/12/21 💚

As I walked down the empty corridors, quietly humming away to myself after having seen that poor boy, Merlin being taken down to the dungeons, I heard the sound of footsteps rapidly walking towards me from behind. Glancing over my shoulder, I internally groaned when I saw my father walking towards me.

"Good morning, father," I said, forcing a smile onto my face.

"What have I told you about wearing that sort of clothing?" father countered. No need for niceties, clearly.

"Not to wear it," I replied bluntly.

"Exactly. So why are you wearing it?" father asked.

"I hadn't seen an issue with it. Plus it's comfier than those damn corsets you wish me to wear. I have no one to impress but myself. I'm sorry if that is disappointing to you," I said, though it was far from being sincere and I could see that father also knew that.

"Just change your outfit because unlike you wrongly presumed, there is someone to impress today. The Lady Helen shall be arriving soon," father said, looking disapprovingly at my outfit again.

Biting back the snarky response I had built up in me, I nodded my head and turned on my feet towards my room. Honestly, I did want to impress the Lady Helen as she was supposedly one of the most well-known and best-respected singers in the seven kingdoms.

I retreated to my room where I was alone with just myself and the memories from today. As I leaned up against my window and looked out of the window I couldn't help but think about how that Merlin really was something. I mean no one, apart from me and my father, has ever stood up to Arthur. Though, to be fair, it was usually Arthur retreating away from father with his tail between his legs. He rarely stood up for himself when it came to father.

Knowing that Lady Helen would be arriving soon, I made my way to my wardrobe and quickly got changed into something more worthy of my father's approval. Not that I needed or wanted it but it would be nice to not be at each other's throats when guests were here.

As it was the main colour of Camelot, I decided to go red. Part of meloved wearing red cause, in all honesty, it was kind of my colour but then itdid mean I stood out more. Well, more than being a royal did.

I'd probably still got at least half an hour before Lady Helen arrived by the time that I had changed so I decided I could make a little detour.

I made my way down to the dungeons where all the prisoners waiting for a 'fair' trial were situated. On my arrival, the two guards outside of the cell hallway straightened up and pretended that they hadn't both been dosing off beforehand.

"I'd like to speak with the prisoner," I requested, keeping my cloak tightly wrapped around me as a cool breeze blew around my ankles.

"But your highness-,"

"It is not a request, this is an order. I'm sure you can both understand my curiosity. So please, stand aside," I said calmly.

"Yes, your highness," they nodded their heads.

They stepped aside and I walked down the hall with my heels clicking on the stone floor until I reached the cell I was looking for. One of the guards unlocked it and moved back to his station.

"You are dismissed," I told them. "Go, have a well-deserved break."

They shared a glance before walking away. At the sound of the footsteps retreating, Merlin looked up at me, confusion etched on his face.

"It's you," he said in shock, as realisation filled his eyes.

"It's me," I smiled weakly. "I'm sorry about this. I tried to talk them out of it but of course, Arthur being the older twin and the male has its advantages for him and disadvantages for me."

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