Training for a Disaster S1 E10

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💚 Edited - 22/01/2021 💚

Later that night, we were all making ourselves a place to sleep in Hunith's house. She had kindly allowed us all space to sleep although she warned us we would all be on the floor. None of us had a problem with that apart from Arthur. But to be fair, he did lay on the floor though without much argument.

"Have you always slept on the floor?" Arthur asked Merlin.

I was lying beside Morgana and Gwen and we were all listening in on the boys conversation. Not that they knew, of course.

"Yeah, the bed I've got in Camelot is luxury by comparison," Merlin muttered.

"It must've been hard," Arthur tried to sympathise.

"It's like rock," Merlin said, although I think he misunderstood Arthur's meaning.

"I didn't mean the ground. I meant for you—it must've been difficult," Arthur reiterated.

"Hmm, not really. I didn't know any different. Life's simple out here. You eat what you grow and everyone pitches in together. As long as you've got food on the table and a roof over your head, you're happy," Merlin explained.

"Sounds... nice," Arthur muttered, although I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that.

Me, on the other hand, I would have loved to live a life like that. The only thing they'd have to worry about is their crops and now Kanen, but up in Camelot, my life is always at risk and I have to deal with Uther every single day; it's absolutely exhausting.

"You'd hate it," Merlin promised him.

"No doubt," Arthur agreed. "Why did you leave?"

"Things just changed," Merlin said simply.

"How?" Arthur asked curious. Merlin didn't answer for a minute so I saw Arthur try to rub his bare foot in Merlin's face but luckily he dodged it. "Come on, stop pretending to be interesting. Tell me."

"I just didn't fit in anymore. I wanted to find somewhere that I did," Merlin admitted.

"Had any luck?" Arthur asked.

"I'm not sure yet," Merlin replied.

"We'll start training the men tomorrow. It's gonna be a long day. Get the candle," Arthur said.

I saw the last remaining light in the hut darken and we were left in the pitch black. After a while, I was eventually consumed by the darkness and I fell into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.


The next morning Morgana, Gwen and I woke up before the boys so we took that as the opportunity to get changed and ready for the training today. However, I seriously doubted Arthur was going to let us women fight because we are 'too feeble and weak'.

 However, I seriously doubted Arthur was going to let us women fight because we are 'too feeble and weak'

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