Saving the King S1 E12

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I cannot believe that we were about to do this. After everything that he was put us and the Kingdom through, I could not believe that we were about to save my Father.

Merlin and I were currently running as fast as we could to Morgana's Father's grave. I was having to take lead seeing as Merlin wouldn't have the foggiest of where to go.

It wasn't too far from the castle so there was a chance that we would make it on time.

I looked to my right and saw Merlin running beside me, still holding he staff that once belonged to the deceased Sophia Tirmawr.

After running for a while, we heard the neigh of several horses just ahead. We shared a glance before picking up the pace and heading to the horses.

We reached them and I wasn't at all surprised to find them abandoned and surrounded by dead guards.

"Morgana and Father must already be up at the grave," I muttered.

"Where is it?" Merlin asked.

"On top of the hill," I replied, pointing up.

As I pointed up, I noticed several of the renegades pursuing them. They crept carefully up the hill, making sure not to be spotted by Father.

"We need to be quiet. Once I get close enough, I should be able to blast them with the staff. You got your bow ready?" Merlin asked.

"Of course," I smirked, holding it up.

Slowly, we crept up behind the renegades. Merlin raised the staff while I lifted my bow.

"On three," Merlin whispered. "One."

"Two," I added.

"Three," we said together, shooting a bolt and an arrow at the same time, each hitting one of the renegades.

With the two renegades who were pursuing Morgana and my Father dead, we started to make our way toward the leader of them all; Tauren.

I signalled for Merlin to go from the left while I went from the right. I think he had finally just about picked up how to read mine and Arthur's signals. Even if he hadn't, he guessed what it meant correctly as he crept to the left.

Just as Merlin was about to blast Tauren, he was spotted by Tauren himself. That didn't stop Merlin though, as he fired a blast at him.
Unfortunately, when the blast should have killed Tauren, it was simply absorbed by the Mage stone that he was holding.

Tauren smirked at Merlin then sent the blast back at him, knocking him unconscious. All I wanted to do was run over and check on him but I couldn't. I knew he would be screaming at me to carry on.

I raised my bow and fired an arrow at Tauren, hitting him directly in the chest. He turned to face me before he blasted me with the power of the stone.

I went flying backwards into a tree and collided with it roughly. Somehow I had stayed conscious and the only thing wrong with me was the fact that my back would probably have at least a dozen different bruises.

Thinking that I was now unconscious and out of the way, Tauren continued to head up the hill to commit the murder.

Determined to not be defeated by him, I propped myself up against the tree and went to go after him. That was until I felt a searing pain in my ankle. When I looked down at it, it looked perfectly normal so I'm guessing it's just a sprain or something like that.

I limped over to Merlin to make sure that he was alright. He still had a pulse and I could see his eyelids fluttering, meaning that he was regaining consciousness.

I all of a sudden heard shouting up on the hill. It seemed that Morgana had had cold feet about my Father dying and had warned him. Either that or Tauren and my Father were in a secret relationship as they rolled around the hill on top of one another.

Presuming that the first option was the most likely option, I picked up my bow and concentrated on Tauren and his movements. If my super quick calculations were correct, I would need to let the arrow go at

My arrow flew through the air and hit Tauren in the back. Come to think of it, how in Gods name is he still going with an arrow sticking out his chest and back?

Luckily the latter hit had caused him to slow down and he was evidently struggling. Tauren now had my Father pinned down, and to any passerby's, the scene unfolding was a very confusing one to the eyes.

Tauren raised his dagger but before he could get even close to killing my Father, Morgana went running up to them and stabbed Tauren in the back. Metaphorically and literally.

Father pushed Tauren's now dead body off of him and quickly went up to Morgana. She was staring down at the body in shock so my Father clearly thought he should hug her to give some type of support.

To say I wasn't slightly envious of this would be a lie. Even though I was his own flesh and blood, my Father has always preferred Morgan's over me. I mean, I don't blame him. She's beautiful, intelligent, funny and fights for what she believes is right. And what am I?

Some royal delinquent, who breaks every rule made and is constantly annoying my Father. So why would he prefer me?

"What did I miss?" A voice said behind me.

I spun round and saw Merlin running his temples.

"Not a lot. Morgana had a change of heart and they are now all happy," I sighed.

"What about Tauren?" Merlin asked.

"I got two hits on him and then Morgana finished him off by stabbing him in the back," I explained. Merlin chuckled beside me.

"The irony of it. She stabbed him in the back. You know that saying?" Merlin laughed.

"You're so weird," I smiled at his childish behaviour.

"Yet you're still with me," Merlin smirked. "I must be doing something right."

"Yeah, I don't know why I'm still here," I sighed sarcastically.

"No, don't leave me. I don't want to be alone," Merlin fake cried.

I looked at him and he gave me the best puppy eyes that he could. Of course that just made him even cuter.

"How can I say no to such a cute little face," I enthused, pinching his cheeks like Grandmas do to their grandchildren.

"On second thoughts, I think I want my other girlfriend back," Merlin replied.

"Well, that's too bad because you are stuck with me forever," I smiled.

"Forever?" Merlin repeated, grabbing my waist.

"For all eternity," I confirmed.

Merlin smirked before pulling me into a kiss. His hands held me secure against him as though he were afraid that I would leave. Honestly, I could have stayed like this for a long time but we heard voices coming down the hill and remembered where we were.

"We should probably go," I whispered against Merlins lips.

"Yeah, probably," Merlin agreed.

A couple seconds later we pulled away and picked up our weapons. As sneakily as we could, we crept away from the others and made our way back to Camelot.

The journey as a whole took longer than before as I now had an injured ankle. Yay! But like in countless times before, Merlin helped me through it and helped me get back home.

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