Teasing Merlin S1 E8

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💚 Edited--18.07.2020 💚

Before we begin, I would just like to ask that if you have been enjoying this book, then you should definitely check out 'The Warlocks Wife' written by @lylly_pink_ranger.
Make sure to like and comment on it and give it as much support as you have been giving me.
Thank you.

Now back to the story...

"Girls, what do you want?" My Father asked, as Morgana and I entered the dining hall.

"We have come to apologise, my Lord," Morgana began. "You have been generous, kind and fair. And I owe you everything," Morgana said.

"I truly don't know what came over us. We acted without thinking of the consequences. Our behaviour was unforgivable," I added, trying to look sorry for what I had done.

"I am glad that you two have seen sense. Dine with me. Let's put this unfortunate incident behind us," Father said, picking up his knife and fork again.

Morgana and I glanced at each other and sat at the table. Several servants quickly got us our cutlery and food. They bowed to us and then left the room just as quickly as they arrived.

For a few minutes, we all sat in silence, Morgana and I often sharing nervous glances, eating our food until the warning bell began to chime. To keep our cover, Morgana and I tried to look just as confused as everyone else.

A couple minutes later, the bell was still going off and was quite honestly beginning to hurt my ears. Not long after that, two guards burst through the doors to deliver the news.

"My Lord, I regret to report that the druid boy has escaped from the dungeons," One of the guards said, and it took all my will power to stop myself from smiling.

"What? How?" Father asked, enraged, getting up from his chair and walking towards the guards.

"My Lord, he was assisted by some accomplices. The guards are searching Camelot as we speak," The guard said.

"Find him and his accomplices and kill them," Father ordered, stopping just beside Morgana and me.

"Yes, my Lord," The guard said, before closing the doors and leaving with the other guards.

If my calculations are correct, Arthur should already be on his way out of Camelot, meaning that there is no chance of the guards killing anyone tonight.

"If I discover that either of you were somehow involved with freeing this boy, the consequences will be extremely severe," Father said, leaning in closer to us.

"My Lord, you know we respect you too much to ever betray you like that," Morgana told him.

"And anyway, we've been here the whole time," I added.

"I made a promise to your father to protect you. But if you cross me again, I will break that promise without a second thought. And as for you, Chelsea, I have no proof that you were involved, but I can see that you and Morgana are alike so the same goes for you. I will not have my own blood and flesh disrespect me like that again," He said, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

He then left the room and Morgana and I took a deep breath.

"That was close," I muttered.

"But we did it," Morgana smiled. "He's safe, Arthur should be on his way now."

"And now we relax," I sighed, leaning back into my chair.


Morgana and I took advantage of my Father's leaving to just talk like normal people. We dined, talked and just had a good time knowing that the boy was safely out of Camelot and back with his own people.

After an hour, we bide each other goodnight then left to our own rooms.

Strangely enough, I wasn't tired, even after everything that had happened today.

I planned to just do some research by reading for a bit as that was sure to make me tired. I picked up my book and sat in my reading corner. For a good twenty minutes, I tried to get in a comfy position to read in but I couldn't. Eventually I gave up and just sat there staring out of my window at the now empty courtyard. But still, I couldn't get comfy and moved around constantly.

As if sensing my restlessness, there was a knock at the door and then a head poked around the door.

"Merlin! I could have been indecent," I told him, but still smiling as he came in. I got up and met him halfway, pulling him into a quick hug.

"Right, sorry about that. I was just thinking, we haven't had a lesson in a while and I thought maybe you wanted to practise," Merlin said, going over to sit in my reading corner.

I knew that he was actually talking about magic this time but I thought I'd wind him up a bit. You know, just as karma for the other day.

"You think I need practise? Am I that bad?" I asked.

"Well, it's ok. You've only been doing it for a couple of months," Merlin said.

"And may I ask, what is it I am doing wrong? Seeing as you are suddenly an expert," I asked.

"Erm, well... I know I'm not the best but I have been doing it for years," Merlin blushed.

"For years? That explains a lot," I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"You think I'm good?" Merlin asked, still just as clueless.

"Very good," I replied smirking.

"See, with my help you could be just as good," He replied smiling.

"You think so?" I asked, pretending to be really excited.

"Of course, it will take time before you are perfect at it, but we can practise now," Merlin suggested.

"I don't think I want to kiss you now that you said I'm not very good," I sighed.

"What? Oh my God! Chelsea, no. I thought you were talki--" Merlin panicked, making it even harder to stay serious.

"No time to chat. If you say I need practise, tell me. How do you think I can improve?" I smirked.

Merlin studied my face for a moment before realising that I was just messing with him.

"Well, you could do this," Merlin replied, pulling me gently onto his lap.

"Ok, how's this?" I asked, getting comfy on his lap. I shifted around knowing that I would be driving him insane.

I felt him tense up slightly, so thought. Why not tease him even more?

As payment for the other night, I began to kiss his neck in the same spot, over and over and over. Just to make sure I got the job done, right? I pulled away and was satisfied to see a slight tinge already forming. I then reached up to his ear and began to kiss him under his lobe. But before that, I just hovered over it and only ever brushing it lightly.

"How's this?" I whispered into his ear.

"Better, but there's still room for improvement," Merlin said.

Shocked that he'd actually say that, I got up and began to walk to the door to show him out until I felt him scoop me up.

"I'm kidding. Although do tell me, how am I supposed to cover this up tomorrow?" He asked, referring to his neck.

"Not my problem," I smirked.

Merlin then lowered his head and began to kiss me again. I closed my eyes and felt him walking somewhere. I didn't bother opening my eyes as I felt the softness of my mattress under my back. The mattress dipped ever so slightly as Merlin held himself above me, never breaking the kiss. I then shifted us so that I was on top of him.

"That's no fair," Merlin smirked against my lips.

"Don't forget. I am the Princess meaning I am in charge," I whispered back, and began to kiss him even more passionately.

I felt his arms wrap around my back and pull me closer to him, just as he rolled us back over so he was on top now.

"We shall see about that," He smirked.

1348 Words

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