You've Got to Have Faith S1 E10

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💚 Edited - 22/01/2021 💚

After we were up and ready the next morning, Morgana, Gwen and I were sharpening up more swords for the men. As soon as we had done that, we were going to focus on training up the women too. Us women have just as much right to kick Kanen up the ass as the men do.

I mean, if Kanen can break the norms and hit women, why can't women break the norms and hit and cause immense pain to a cruel man like Kanen?

I was disrupted from my violent thoughts when I heard a high pitched scream and the running of horse hooves. Of course my initial thought was that it was Kanen already, but when I ran out, I saw that I was only partly right.

Lying unconscious on a horse was Matthew. Yesterday Arthur had sent Matthew out to be on lookout as he was having trouble with picking up the concept of fighting with a sword. Actually, if he couldn't defend himself, why in God's name did Arthur send him to be on lookout alone?

The horse was going crazy so I put down the sword I was holding and went to calm down the horse. I ran up to it and held onto its reigns. Calmly, I stroked it's mane until it stopped trying to trample everyone.

I could see everyone running out to see what had caused the commotion and all would gasp, cry, or scream when they saw the arrow sticking out of Matthew's back. If he was still alive, I would break up with Merlin. That is how confident I was that he was gone; no one can survive an arrow to the heart.

"Get him down from there," Arthur ordered, as he got closer.

Two men carefully lifted Matthew down and laid him on the floor. I continued to stroke the horses mane and make sure that the horse wasn't spooked overwise we wouldn't survive to fight Kanen.

On Matthew's back, where the arrow was shot, there was also a piece of paper attached. Well, that's one way to send a message in an incredibly sick and twisted way. Arthur bent down and ripped the paper off his back and read it.

"What does it say?" I asked, as Arthur just stared at it. Honestly, he really was stupid sometimes.

He looked around at us all before he focused on me and by the way he was looking, I could tell that it was in no way good. None of this was good, it was all a mess and I wondered that if it wasn't Merlin who asked, if Arthur would have done this.

"Make the most of this day. It will be your last," Arthur read aloud.

"Well that's original," I muttered to myself. If I was Matthew, I would make a complaint about how pathetic that threat was.

"Matthew! No!" A woman in the crowd came running forward.

She knelt down beside Matthew's body and began sobbing uncontrollably. I handed the horse reigns to one of the villagers and knelt down beside her. She leant into my side and began crying into my shoulder. I rubbed her back gently and stroked her hair. This was something that Arthur used to do to me when we were younger and I was crying.

Everyone else remained silent and looked down at the still silent body; Everyone apart from a certain man beginning with the letter 'W'. Three guesses who that was.

"Look what you did! You did this! You killed him!" Will yelled at Arthur, as he came running forward as well.

"It wasn't his fault," Merlin defended Arthur.

"If he hadn't been strutting around treating this like his own personal army, it'd never have happened," Will argued back, now glaring at Merlin.

"These men are brave enough to fight for what they believe in even if you aren't," Arthur said trying to sound confident, but as his twin, I could hear the hesitation in his voice.

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