Lucky Escape S1 E6

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💚 Edited--21.6.20 💚

"The king would like to speak to you," Edwin came and told me later that night. I turned to look at him and saw him leaning up against my door casually looking me up and down.

When I saw this, I didn't respond but I did shove pass him and headed towards my Father's chambers.

As I approached my Father's door, I felt an uneasy sense in the air. Ignoring it, I noticed that his door was already open. I presumed that Edwin had just left it open. But then I thought...

That's strange; he never leaves his door open. He's incredibly superstitious, but you probably already knew that. 

"Father?" I asked, as I pushed open the door. There was no response so I just entered.

When I went in, I saw him laying in his bed, eyes wide and body paralysed.

"Father?" I asked again, rushing over to him. I placed my two fingers on the side of his neck and was relieved when I felt a pulse. Even though I really despised him at times, he was still my Father and the King of Camelot. They still needed a ruler and well, let's be honest, neither Arthur or I are ready to lead the kingdom. Not yet anyway. "What's happened to you?" I muttered.

"It's amazing, isn't it? What a little beetle can do to the great King of Camelot," a sinister voice said behind me.

"So this is your revenge?" I asked him, turning round.

"Genius, isn't it?" Edwin asked smirking. "You see, my dear. It is usually the smallest things that make the biggest problems. And the thing is, I have lots of little things that could cause hundreds of big problems. I know, you're probably wondering how I already knew that you knew."

"I really wasn't," I told him. "But do you want to know what I was thinking?"

"Of course, my dear. I'm curious," Edwin answered.

"I thought you would have figured it out yourself. I was simply thinking that you're a monster. That's why you were outside Morgana's window that night, wasn't it? You were waiting to make sure you had succeeded. After that, you only had to convince my Father that Gaius was useless and that you were this powerful healer. You knew that he would then appoint you the job; your job was then complete," I figured.

"You're smart, I won't deny it. No matter how inconvenient that is. That's why I'm giving you a chance to save yourself. You have two options. One; you join me and together we can rule Camelot as a kingdom where magic should not be feared. No, it would be celebrated, nurtured and taught. Because like I said first time we met, we are both unforgettable. Imagine the fear we could inflict on those who threaten us," Edwin said excitedly.

"And if I don't?" I asked.

"Well...option two is simple. You die here with your Father. But what to tell the kingdom? I could tell them that their precious Princess went insane with greed for power and magic. That she killed her Father but the guilt was too much for her and devoured her. She was too weak to hold so much power and it got the better of her. She died a tragic death," Edwin said smirking, walking closer towards me.

I stepped towards Edwin and slapped him round the face. "Let's get one thing straight, Harvey Two-Face. I am not weak. You are the weak one; hiding behind your magic, your ambition, your revenge. Like you told Merlin, magic should be shared with the world. Why does it have to be used badly? Imagine all the people you could save from illnesses and even death. Why is that not enough? Don't bother answering because I already know. You're a coward who's hamartia is his magic."

"We shall see," Edwin said, smiling maliciously.

He raised his hands and I felt myself go flying backwards. Pain radiated through me body as my body slammed against the wall behind me, hitting my head in the process. My whole body felt tight as though it were being crushed in between two walls.

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