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"Seriously?" I asked as he nodded, his eyes flashed green and then he held his head. "Y/n...are you okay?" Oz/Oscar spoke as I nodded, "are you?! I mean, you've been gone for like..." I trailed off as he sighed, "I know...I retreated to the back of Oscar's mind...to think..." he spoke as he sat down beside me, Qrow and I looked at him, "Qrow..." Oz started, "I apologize for lying" Oz finished as Qrow looked at him, "it's in the past Oz...like you told Y/n and I. Set aside the past" Qrow spoke as I snorted, Oz looked at us and then chuckled. "True..." Oz spoke as I thought for a moment and gasped. "I have an idea! Gather everyone in James' office, I'll go get Ruby. She's crucial for my idea" I spoke as I got up, "Adam, come on!" I spoke as he nodded, he put Blush back together and we ran out of the room. We went to team RWBY's room. I knocked on the door, Blake answered, she was really tired and in her pajamas. Her ears were folded down as she rubbed her eyes. "Yeah?" she asked as Adam chuckled softly at the sight of her. "We're gathering in James' office..." I started as they all looked at me. "I think I have a plan to defeat Salem," I said as they were now fully awake. "Ruby, you're flying with me," I said, "flying? But I can't fly" she spoke as I smiled, I picked her up bridal style and jumped out the window. She held onto me as I flew into the sky, I looked at her, "have you been training your eyes?" I asked her as she cocked her head. "Y-Yeah, mom has been helping me," she told me as I smiled, "I needed to ask before we went to the office," I told her as I flew towards Jame's office, 'shit' I sighed as I blocked Ruby and I from the glass. "Bad!" I shouted as I hit Ironwood's chair, "landing" I hit the desk knocking it over. "Strategy!" I shouted as I rolled on the ground. I got up and stretched. "Can you not do that?" asked Oz as I groaned, "I actually do try, I just find myself not being able to stop in time" I told him as James sighed, "sorry...but to be fair...you're not the first headmaster that had his office destroyed by my poor landing" I spoke as Oz chuckled.

"All right! I have a plan to defeat Salem" I spoke as they all looked at me, "what is it?" Summer asked, "Ruby, and Summer," I said as they all looked at me with wide eyes. "You want to use my wife and daughter?! Are you crazy?!" Tai yelled, "think about Tai! Silver eyed people can petrify the Grimm. Salem is basically a Grimm now!" I told him, "so, in a way, Summer and Ruby can use their ability to defeat her" Oz spoke as I nodded, "exactly! The only thing we'd need to do is get the Relics to a safe place." I spoke as they nodded. "No! I'm not sending my wife and child up against her" Tai spoke, "what other choice do we have Tai?" Summer spoke, "I'll do it" Ruby spoke as everyone grew quiet and we looked at her, "you said it yourself Y/n, mom and I are the only ones here who can petrify Grimm...meaning we are you first and last defense" Ruby spoke as Tai looked at her. I could see that he knew she wasn't a little girl anymore and was proud of her. I looked at Summer, she placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder and nodded. I knew that meant she was on board as well. "All right...we have a plan...but first we need a way to get to her..." James spoke as I thought for a moment, "meet Adam and I at the White Fang camp in the morning" I said walking over to Adam, "I'll help..." Blake spoke walking up to us, "if you're going to change the White Fang...I want to help come up with a plan" she spoke as Adam's face softened, I nodded, I wrapped my arms around both of them and took flight out of the office.

I landed at the camp, causing a lot of the faunus there to cheer when they saw me. "You, what's your name?" I asked pointing at one of the faunas "Bazza ma'am" he spoke as I nodded, "I have a special job for you..." I told him, "I need you to go to Menagerie. Tell the chieftain there that I need to talk to him" I told Bazza, "tell Ghira that his daughter is here" Blake spoke as Bazza nodded. "Go, make haste!" I added as he nodded again and ran off. I walked into the tent they had set up for me if I ever wanted to be with them. I shoved all the stuff off the table that was there, "Adam, I need some blank parchment. Make sure it's large" I told him as he nodded, "what should I do Y/n?" Blake asked as I looked at her, "Blake...I'm gonna need a quill and ink...a lot of ink" I told her as she nodded.

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