Can't Forget Her

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"Cmon Emily wake up. Tobin and I are going to get coffee" Lindsey says pulling the blanket off me. I groan and try to grab the blanket back, "Good for you. Now let me go back to sleep!"

Lindsey drops the blanket on the ground and goes to open the curtains letting some light into the room. Revealing just how much of a mess it really is. But what do you expect it hasn't been cleaned since the day she left.

"Cmon Emily your coming with us. You barely hang out with us anymore" Lindsey argues and starts tossing clothes at me. I roll my eyes and just stick my pillow over my face, "Get out Linds".

"No! That's it. Emily you need to get out. It's been two months since she left! We let you mope now you need to move on! She's gone!" She shouts at me tearing the pillow off me and throwing it aside.

I sit up in the bed and glare at my best friend and teammate, "I can't just move on! She was the best thing in my life. She made my life worth something. No matter what she was always there! She's been in my life since I can remember! I know she's gone and its all my fault! But I can't forget her".

Lindsey seems to soften at that, "Emily". But I'm not in the mood, "Get the fuck out of my house". She stands there almost pleading with me silently. But I'm having none of it, "Get out!".

She sighs and walks out of the room and a few seconds later I can hear the door open and close downstairs. I take a few deep breathes trying to calm down some bit.

Once I've calmed down I grab my phone to check the time. But this proves a bad idea as when I turn on my phone I study my screensaver. I still have yet to change my screensaver even though it's been two months.

I didn't have the heart to change it

It's a picture of the two of us from when we were younger. Back when we were 8, when we didn't have a care in the world. Back when life was so simple. Back when the most important thing that mattered was how many goals you scored and how many players I tackled.

It's a picture of the two of us wearing jerseys which were way too big for us that we were practically swimming in them. Both of us having big toothy grins beaming up at the camera.

We were standing side by side. I had an arm slung around her neck doing a duck face looking like an idiot. But she was happily smiling holding up a peace sign. Her blonde hair was in a braid and her sparkling sea blue eyes were as clear as ever.

I could remember when we first met. Who would have thought the crazy hyperactive kid would be best friends with the shy introvert new kid?

"Bye Dad I'll see you later" I say waving bye as I walk towards my classroom. "Bye sweetheart I'll be back to collect you later". I walk into my classroom and sit down in my seat at the back. Due to the odd number I have an empty seat next to me.

Or so I thought

"Settle down class! Today we have a new student joining us today. This is Victoria and I hope you can all make her feel welcome" our teacher Ms Murray told us. The girl had shiny bright blonde hair and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She didn't look up at us as she stared down at the ground playing with her fingers although I thought I could hear a quiet, "Hello" come from her.

"Now Victoria you can sit beside Emily down the back" she says pointing to me. She slightly nods before walking to her seat beside me. I give her a smile before facing forward listening to the teacher.

Throughout the day I try to talk to her but all I get are short answers or just a nod of her head. She barely has looked at anyone yet.

At lunch time I get my ball and head out to the playground. I start playing with my ball kicking it around when I look up and see her all by herself. I pick up my ball and walk over to her.

I hold out the ball to her, "Hey do you want to play with me?" I guess I must have shocked her as she looks up her eyes widened at me. I still remember her eyes. They were a beautiful blue colour. A deep blue like the sea.

"U-uh yeah" she mumbles. This causes a bright big smile to burst out on my face, "Cool! Do you play soccer?" She smiles and nods. "Great! My name's Emily if you don't remember" I tell her. She give me a big toothy grin and smiles at me causing the sides of her eyes to crinkle a bit, "My names Victoria but you can call me Tori".

We played soccer together passing the ball to each other. And by the end of lunch she was talking and laughing with me albeit still a bit shy.

Soon it was time to go home and I saw my dad here to collect me. I grab Victoria's hand and pull her towards my dad, "Hey dad! This is my new friend Tori!" "Hello" She waves at my dad.

We're soon joined by another person who I guess to be Tori's mom, "Hey sweetie did you make some friends today?" She nods quietly but has a smile on her face. I look at the woman, "Hi I'm Emily! I'm Tori's new best friend".

She nods her head rapidly beside me, "Yeah mom! She plays soccer too!" Her mom chuckles, "That's great". "Wanna play soccer tomorrow?" I ask. She smiles and nods her head, "Yeah!"

That's how we started playing soccer with each other everyday. How we began best friends. How unknowingly that day would lead me to falling for my best friend in years to come.

I didn't even realise I was crying until I see a drop fall onto the phone screen. I'd only I had realised my mistake sooner. Then maybe she would still be with me. Or at least talk to me. But no I messed up, big time at that.

But there is no way I could forget Victoria Rose Young

Hey guys! To be honest I'm not sure if this chapter was that great but here it is. A lot of the story will contain flashbacks so the story will jump between time phrases. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed. Until next time, bye!!

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