Home Again

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"Hurry up!". "Emily calm down! We will get there"

I bounce on the tops of my feet as I'm trying to urge Tobin and Lindsey into the car, "I want to be there for when she lands!" "She's not going to jump back on a plane if we're late Sonny" Lindsey rolls her eyes but walks to the car. "How can you not be more excited? She's coming home today!" I shout at my two friends. "We are excited about her coming home. She's the only person who can can tame your insane ass" Tobin teases.

I narrow my eyes at her and stick out my tongue at her and start to walk to the car but I'm stopped by Tobin snatching the keys off me, "Hey Tobs give em!" She shakes her head, "Not a chance. Your so excited to see Tori that you would probably drive like your playing mario kart and side swipe someone if it meant getting there quicker". "This coming from the Mario Kart queen" I mumble. She rolls her eyes and shoves me in the direction of the car, "Shut up and get in loser. We need to go get your girl".

Lindsey has ready claimed the passenger seat so I'm banished to the back seat while Tobin drives. We talk for a bit while we drive to the airport and multiple times I'm told to sit still but I can't help it as I jig in the backseat unable to contain my excitement.

I don't think Tobin has even stopped the car fully before I jump out of the car. "Jesus Sonnett calm down before I make you stay in the car and we go meet Tori" Tobin scolds. "I'll be good. I'll be good I promise" I plead. "Good now let's go" Lindsey laughs as we walk into the airport. I don't know how but when we stepped in it was clear that some of the fans found out Tori was coming home today and decided to throw her a homecoming. So I suppose it was a good thing that we came 30 minutes early as once everyone spotted us we were swarmed for pictures.

But security eventually came and it became a bit more controlled and they sectioned off certain areas. I was checking my watch so much that Lindsey physically forced my watch off my wrist. Eventually I could see my girlfriend walk in, head down looking at her phone while also pushing her trolley with her bags. Everyone cheers and claps which makes her head snap up and she immediately grins when she see all the posters and her Thorns jersey for her welcome home.

She looks around before her eyes land on me and I stood there my eyes starting to water. I sprint towards her and she opens her arms up and I pick her up and spin her around hugging her tightly into me. I was still holding her off the ground when she pulled back slightly and kissed me which earned cheers behind us. I put her down on her feet when we break the kiss but her hands are still around my neck as I hug her. "I missed you so much" I whisper into her ear. I can feel her smile against my neck, "I missed you too. I'm happy to be home".


After staying over about an hour staying and meeting fans and one interview later, we're finally on the way home to our house. Lindsey and Tobin was in the front once again and they had a lot of fun joking how I was a lot calmer now that Tori was sitting beside me. The whole ride was pretty much them roasting me and exposing me how much I missed Tori while she was gone.

When we finally got home we said we would get her bags so she opens the door first. Tobin, Lindsey and I all share a look as Tori opens and jumps as everyone shouts, "Welcome home". Tori goes bright red and hides into me as she realises how badly they scared her while everyone laughs. The rest of the thorns team was all gathered in our house to celebrate Tori's return.

"She's back! The tiny terror has returned" Ellie shouts. Christine walks up to us and pat's Tori's shoulder, "Your never allowed leave again. No one could control this one and she moped half the time because she missed you too much". I pout, "I detest that. I wasn't that bad". Everyone hears and gives me a look and my shoulders slump, "Okay fine. Maybe a small bit". Everyone once again laughs at me and Tori grins and kisses my bright red cheek.

The rest of the party was great Tori went from person to person catching up with people laughing and talking about her experience in England. Right now she was even talking to the new recruits who looked a bit shocked that she even talked to them. "I swear can you cool it with the heart eyes for a second or are they constantly on?" I look over my shoulder to see Tobin smirk at me. I shrug and take a swig of my beer, "While Tori's around they're always on apparently".

She chuckles as she leans beside me on the counter, "You two are so sickingly adorable that it makes me miss Chris". I bite my lip trying to contain my smile as I watch Tori laugh at something one of our draftees said, "Sorry?" "So what's next for you? Your plan for the last few months was to win back Tori. Now that you have that done, what do you do now?" Tobin asks. A small smile graces my face and I think about everything I have planned for.

"To spend the rest of my life with her".

Hey guys!!! I know it's small enough but we're getting closer to the end 😭 so get ready! Until next time, bye!!

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