Gone too Soon

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"Kelley only you would get a serious head injury and then proceed to throw back beer as if it was tic tacs" I laugh as we continue to talk about winning the world cup.

"I wasn't that bad" Kelley defends herself. "Kelley it's a miracle you aren't dead yet" which sends everyone into giggles. Kelley pouts at me before jumping at me while Katie laughs before stopping us, "Okay kids brake it up!" "But mom she started it!" I grin shoving Kelley off of me.

We continue on with the segment and before long we're finished. "Well we're going to have some editing to do seeing as every two minutes one of these two were fighting" Katie says pointing at Kel and I. "You know you love us" Kelley smirks. I get up and hug the presenter, "We all know I'm your favourite". Which gets boos from Kelley, Alex and Pinoe.

We were all just messing around when I got a call from Joe. I stand up, "Excuse me for a second". I walk a bit away from the rest of them while I answer the call, "Hey Joe". "Hey Tori look I'm sorry to ask but is there anything chance you can come back early?" Joe asks down the phone. I look up to see the four of them looking at me so I turn my back to them so they don't know what I'm saying, "What? Why what's wrong?"

"We got a call from Make a Wish. There's a little girl in hospital and she's a huge Arsenal fan and we found out that you and Viv are her favourite players. Now I know that you were supposed to come back in a few days but..". I shake my head but cut him off, "No that's fine. I understand I'll come back today".

"Great there is a flight leaving in a little over an hour is that okay?" He asks. I sigh, "Yeah that's okay. Just text me the details". "Will do Tori. See you when you get back". "Bye Joe".

I end the call as I run a hand through my hair while I call Vlatko, "Hello?" "Hey coach I just got a call from my club and their asking me to come back a few days early" I explain. "Okay well that's okay. We don't have anymore matches we would have just been training for another day or two" he says. "Yeah they already have me booked for a plane in a little while. I was just wondering if you could send my luggage to the airport and I'll meet it there" I ask. "Yeah okay I'll get Tom to send your luggage on ahead". "Perfect thanks Coach" I thank him. "No problem. I'll see you at the next camp Tori" he says before hanging up.

I turn and walk back to the girls to see Kelley already looking at me intently, "What was that about?" I sigh, "I got called back for an urgent matter. I have to leave early". "So when are you leaving?" Alex asks. I take a quick look at my watch, "I need to be heading to the airport soon. They have me on the next flight out of here". I can see Kelley physically tense as I raise an eyebrow at her. "But you still have to go back to the hotel and get your stuff. How are you going to make it in time?" Pinoe reasons. "I already called Vlakto he is going to send my luggage there so I can make the flight" I explain.

I can see the four of them all share a look but doesn't say anything, "What?" Katie shakes her head at me, "Ugh nothing! Nothing! Do you need a lift to the airport I can drive you?" There's obviously something going on but with how this team acts on a daily basis you never know what's normal at this point, "Uh yeah that would be great. Thanks".

Katie starts to collect all her stuff while I check over the details that Joe just sent through. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Kelley speaking rapidly to Alex while she tried to calm her down while Pinoe stood there thinking. "What is up with you guys right now?" I question stopping their conversation, "you were all fine two minutes ago".

Alex gives me a smile that's obviously forced, "It's nothing Tori. We were just hoping to spend more time with you before you went back to Arsenal". I sigh dragging my hand down over my face, "I know I'm sorry. But I have to go back it's really important". "We know" Pinoe sadly smiles. "Okay ready to go?" Katie asks holding up her keys.

I nod before turning back to the three, "I guess I'll see you for the next camp hopefully". They all nod as Alex and Pinoe give me a quick hug. When I turn to Kelley she immediately has me in a tight hold burying her face into my neck, "I'll miss you". I smile at my best friend, "I'll miss you too". I pull away just enough so I can look at her but just in arm's length of her as she quietly whispers, "I'm not the only one who's going to miss you". I bite my lip before giving her one last grin smile.

"I'll see you later Squirrel"

"Bye Mighty Mouse"

And with that Katie walked me out to her car ready to head back to my club.


"Katie cmon if you don't hurry I'm going to miss my flight". I don't know what was up with people today but it was starting to annoy me.

It was almost as if Katie was trying to delay me. First she stopped for coffee which was fine I guess but she just took a bit longer than usual. Then she took the wrong directions on the way to the airport which made us go on a longer route and had to wait in traffic a bit. And now she was trailing behind me as I tried to make my way to my gate.

After I had picked up my luggage off Tom. I was trying to find my gate but it looked like Katie was trying to catch someone's eye or find someone and I didn't really have time to stop and talk to fans if we were stopped.

"Sorry just trying to find the gate" she smiles. I look at her but don't question it, "Well it's over this way cmon". We stood outside my gate waiting for it to be called. I did my last minute checks making sure I had my passport and ticket information before grabbing my soundproof headphones from my bag.

Finally my flight was called so I stood up and looked at Katie who once again looked like she was trying to spot someone. "Well this is me" I say. She looks at me sadly for some reason, "Yeah. Good luck in England Tori". I give her a tired smile before hugging her, "I'll see you when I see you mom".  She releases a small laugh, "Bye sweetie".

Which that I turn around and go to hand my passport to the worker. I slip on my headphone before I walk in the gate dragging my bags behind me.

Unknowing of what was just behind me


"So how was visiting that girl the other day?" Daan asks as we do a quick warm down after our training session.

I've been back for a few days now. After my flight I pretty much slept for the rest of the day and then Viv and I went to visit the little girl in hospital the next day.

I give her a big smile, "It was great! Her name is Avery and she is so adorable I nearly died!" "Awe that's great" Daan smiled. "Yeah and then Viv and I surprised her with tickets to our next game and afterwards I'm going to play with her on the pitch for a bit" I gush excited for our next match more than ever now.

"That's really sweet Tori. It's a really nice thing your doing for her" Daan compliments. But I just shake my head, "What she's going through is horrible. And every child should be allowed live out their dreams". "Your such a big softie" she coos side hugging me whole I laugh.

We went and changed out our training gear in the dressing room and Joe had a quick talk about the upcoming match before we were released for the day. I was walking out to my car searching around for my keys when I stopped


Hey guys!! So not going to lie I have barely had any time to write. All my homework is being sent online and I have to make sure I hand them back in before the due date and by the time I have everything done, it's late at night and I'm about ready to drop into my bed. Also a lot of my free time gets put into my other book really. So I'm going to apologize ahead of time because I know your all expecting more updates due to the quarantine but unfortunately not. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time goodbye and stay safe!!

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