Truths, Dares and Memories

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You thing you must know about this team. When brought together we are one thing and one thing alone.

Absolutely chaotic

And when they all agree on a plan they will do everything in their power to make sure that plan is completed.

So when I suspect they plot to try and get Tori and I back together let's just say it won't end well.

The team went around trading Truths and Dare. Kelley had to drink vinegar straight, Allie had to jump in the pool, Tierna had to tell us what her last text was and Becky had to say what annoyed her the most about Kelley. So it was only a matter of time before it was Tori or my turn.

"Okay Tori truth or dare?" Pinoe asks. I already know this isn't going to end well. "Truth I don't wanna know what dares you have planned in that head of yours" Tori teases. "How's the story with you and Van De Donk?" Pinoe asks.

The smile drops from her face as she glances towards me before turning back to Pinoe face neutral, "Nothing, we're just really good friends". "Doesn't look like it" She challenges. Tori narrows her eyes at the midfielder, "Whatever your thinking Pinoe, don't. Just drop it". The room was silence before Tori moved the game on, "Mal truth or dare?"

The game moved on until eventually it was my turn. "Truth or dare son son?" Kelley asks. The worst possible person to ask me, Kelley was always on the fence between Tori and I. Kelley and Tori became close while she played for the Royals, so Kelley was in between the both of us after we had the fight.

So Kelley knew both side of the fight

"Hit me with a dare. I ain't no wuss" I cheer. God only knows what she'll get me to admit in front of Tori with a truth. But it proves that a dare wasn't much better as Kelley's face adapts a wicked grin, "I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Tori".

I can feel my face drop instantly as I look at Tori who is already looking at me. I try to read how's she's feeling but I can't tell. I turn back to Kelley with a scoff, "what are you 17?" "She acts like it sometimes" Alex jokes. The team laughs while Kelley pouts in the corner.

I look at Tori who sighs, "Let's get this over with". I follow Tori into the closet while Kelley locks the door behind us. Due to the tight space, it was like we were back in the elevator pressed up against each other. Our chests were touching and I could feel her breath fanning my face. Her eyes seem to look everywhere but mine.

I'm going to kill Kelley after this

"The girl aren't exactly subtle huh?" Tori says still not looking me in the eyes. "Yeah not one of the teams strong suit. Their as subtle as a brick through a window" I mutter. She giggles slight which causes me to look at her.

God how I've missed that sound

It was silent for a minute again before she started talking, "You know why she put us in here right?" I shrug slightly, well as much as I could in the small space. "The first time they caught us together? When they finally realised we were together?" She grins.

A smile breaks out on my face as I remember how the team found out about us dating. It did in fact come as a result of a dare to do 7 minutes in heaven at our second camp.

We were sitting around in Alex and Kelley's room at our second national team camp for team bonding playing truth or dare. The team was all laughing watching people do dumb dares and tell embarrassing truths. And eventually it was back to me.

"Truth or Dare Sonnett?" Kelley smirks. "Gimme a dare O'Hara" I challenge. The right back just smirks back, "I dare you to go into the closet and do 7 minutes in heaven with Young". I shrug and grin standing up and hold a hand out to Tori who was beside me, "Shall we m'lady?" She smiles and takes my hand, "Yes we shall".

I pull her up and lead her to the closet while the team jeers and hollers behind us. I close the closet door behind us and look down at Tori, "So 7 minutes? What can we do in 7 minutes?"

She smiles and snakes her arms around my neck, "Hmm I can think of a few things". She starts to lean in causing me to do the same but stops at the last second, "I have an idea for a prank on Lindsey wanna hear about it?"

I'm guess I don't look impressed as she laughs when she sees my face, "Not funny T". "Well I thought it was" she giggles before leaning back in.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer so the space between us was pretty much non existent. While one arm stayed around her waist my right hand when up and cupped her face as I deepened the kiss. I can feel her play with the baby hairs at the back of my neck twirling them around her fingers.

I lean forward causing her to step backwards as her back hits the wall. My hand slips under her shirt and my fingers rake down her abs causing her to lets out a moan. I place a soft kiss on the skin right behind her ear and start to trail downwards. "Emily.." she gasps out as I suck lightly on her neck.

Before we could go any further the door whips open, "My eyes! My eyes, it burns!". We both stop as we Kelley at the door dramatically cover her eyes walking back to the group. We both chuckle and I give her one last kiss before heading back to our seats.

As we get back to our seats we see everyone is looking at us, "what?" "Are we not going to talk about the two of you sucking face in the closet?" Ash questions getting a slap from Ali. Tori shrugs, "Nothing new. We've been dating for a few years now".

The team gaped at us while I wrap my arms around her shoulders and she leans into me. "I told you they were more than friends!" Kelley screams smacking Alex's arm. "Why didn't you tell us?" Mal asks. Tori shrugs, "Well we weren't exactly hiding it. We thought it was obvious".

The team all nodded thinking back on how we act around each other. "You two are never sharing a room again" Carli says sternly. The rest of the team laugh and nod while we start to complain.

I chuckle at the memory, "They were serious. We haven't roomed together since". She laughs, "Yeah we just had to bribe Rose and the others to swap with them". "Well it was worth it wasn't it".

We both laugh for a bit. I'm just happy we're at least talking. "You know there is nothing going on right? Between me and Daan" she whispers looking directly into my eyes. I look back at her and nod slightly, "I believe you".

"I did miss you T" I whisper back. "Emily" Tori starts but is cut off my the door opening, "Times up kiddies". I glare at Kelley who is smiling at the two of us. Tori rolls her eyes and pushes past her.

"Cmon everyone's heading back to their rooms" Kelley tells me. I nod and follow her back to our shared room. When we get back to the room I flop on top of my bed closest to the door thinking about tonight. "Hey do you have any gum? I need to pop my ears it's annoying me" Kelley asks. "Yeah in the front pocket of my suitcase" I mumble into my pillow pointing at my bag.

I hear some shuffle before she stops,"Emily what is this?"

I look up from the pillow and my eyes widen as I see what she's holding.

"Kelley I can explain!"

"You were going to propose?!"

Heyyy guys!! Please don't hate me 😅 yes that's where I decided to end the chapter. And Tori and Emily are talking again! Feel free to comment on what you like or what you would like to see in the future. Until next time, bye!!

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