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alexhendo2907 a deals a deal 😂 hope you enjoy! Can't wait for your next chapter

"Kelley! Be quiet before the whole hotel hears you!"

"I can't-i mean you have a ring-you were going to propose"

I sigh and grab the small box from her hand, "Yes I was". "Why didn't you tell me about this?" Kelley asks which makes me look at her crazily, "Kelley I love you, but you can not keep a secret to save your life! I'm pretty much preparing for the rest of the team to know by the end of camp now".

Kelley just pouts, "I detest that. I can keep a secret". I roll my eyes, "Sure you can". Kelley shakes her head in disbelief, "So no one knew? Not even Tobs or Lindsey?" I shake my head, "No, no one knew". "God" Kelley mutters sitting down.

The room is quiet as we just sit on our beds, Kelley just trying to process the information she just found out. "Is this why you freaked out about her going to Arsenal?" She asks her voice barely above a whisper. I bite my lip, "Partly I guess? I've had the ring since the world cup. And there was never a perfect time to ask. And when she told me she was leaving I guess I don't know".

"What do you mean?" Kelley asks confused. I sigh, "I mean look at her. She's got the skill and looks and then her personality is even better. She's pretty much set to be a future captain of the best team in the world anyone would want her. And if she left to go to England maybe she'll realise she can find someone better than me. I was scared that she would love it over there so much she wouldn't come back". Kelley was quiet before she got up and walked over to my bed

And smacked me

"Ow Kell what the hell?!" I whine as I rub my now sore arm. "That girl loves you more than anything in the world Sonnett! If only you could see the way she looks at you when you aren't looking. She looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky! And you pushed her away! You made her think she was being so selfish just because she wanted to follow her dreams!" Kelley yells at me.

"I know" I shout back at her before my voice lowers, "I know Kels. I think about it everyday. I remember how her face practically broke when I told her I can't believe she's leaving. I.. I wasn't thinking about I regret it every single day".

I was making dinner in the kitchen when Tori came bouncing in clearly excited about something. She was jumping around a huge smile spread across her face. She ran over to me and kissed me barely able to contain her excitement.

"What's got you so happy?" I chuckle as I check the food one last time before giving her my full attention. She couldn't physically stand still, "I just got a call from my agent. He says Arsenal want me to come play for them!".

I could feel my heart physically drop at her words. She continues to babble on about the call but stops when she sees my face, "Emily... what's wrong?" "Are...are you going to take it?" I ask. All the energy and giddiness she just seconds ago has completely vanished, "I mean yeah. I've wanted to play with them since I was little".

I cross my arms, "So your just going to leave me then?" "What no?! Emily it'll just be for a little while and we can still call and facetime. And we'll see each other at camps and everything" she says coming closer to me.

"But why would you want to leave? Aren't you happy here in Portland? With Tobs, Lindsey? With me?" I ask. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Em. Something I've always dreamed of. What do you want me to do?" She looks at me sadly.

I clenched my fists, "Call them back and say you want to stay here". She looks completely shattered at this, "Emily..I can't". "Why not?!" I shout at her. "Emily..." She starts. "Do you love me?" I look at her in all seriousness. "What? Of course I do Emily" she answers.

"Then why do you want to leave? Am I not good enough?" I spit out as if it was acid in my mouth. "Emily of course you are. It's just I've been dreaming of this since I was a little kid. I can't pass this up" she whispers. I can see her eyes start to well up with tears.

"Well if your so keen on leaving then leave" I growl. She steps forward, "Emily.." but I don't let her get close, "Just leave!" I shout.

At this point she has tears streaming down her face and she looks absolutely crushed. She looks at me in disbelief before she clenches her fists and narrows her eyes at me before she shouts at me, "Why can't you just be happy for me?!" Before I can say anything else she turns on her heels and matches out if the house slamming the door behind her sending ripples through the house.

I stand there for a moment before I throw the closest thing to me which is a dish cloth, "Fuck!" I throw it at the fridge which knocks something off the magnet keeping attached to the fridge.

I trudge over and pick up the paper to see it's a picture of us at the world cup, us just after winning against the Netherlands. I scoff before throwing the picture on the countertop and walk out of the room. Dinner long forgotten.

"I...I've never seen her so upset. Not even the day she was kicked out of her house" I admit. "I remember how pissed I was for 2 days until I finally got my head out of my ass and realised how bad I fucked up, but she was already gone. I was too late".

I sniffle and look at Kelley who looks at me with pity evident in her eyes, "I was prepared to spend the rest of my life with her and I blew it Kel. And I don't know how to fix it".

At this point I started sobbing not being able to hold it. Everything since she left just came crashing down. Kelley quickly sat beside me hugging me.

"Hey, hey. Everything is going to be okay. Everything will work out in the end. We'll fix this and everything will be okay" Kelley reassures me. But I just shake my head and look at her,

"How can you be so sure?"

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