I'm at my happiest

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"May I present to you the for the first time, Emily and Victoria Sonnett!"

The room burst into cheers as we walk into the reception. Emily leads me to the dancefloor for our first dance. I forgot that there's a room full of our friends and family watching us as I put my hands on her shoulders as we sway to the slow song. Emily holds me close her hands on my waist.

"I can't believe that I get to call you my wife now" I whisper to her and she smiles down at me, "Well you better. Your stuck with me forever now". "Till death do us part" I grin as I give her a quick peck. "I think this had been the greatest day of my life" Emily whispers in my ear. "Really?" I tease, "I mean we have won a world cup". We both laugh and I hide my face in her chest. "Even better than winning a world cup" she mumbles. The song is starting to come to an end as I cup her face and kiss her passionately and only pull away when we remember there's people watching us who clap and some holler (Kelley and Ash) but I still just continue to stare deep into those eyes I fell in love with.

"This is the start of our lives together. And I can't wait to make more memories with you"



I turn around and see a small ball of blonde hair dash to be tackling me in a hug making me stumble. I just catch myself before I lift my brown eyed boy into my arms, "Well hello baby boy. I've missed you so much! Now where's Mommy?" I ask while I tickle his belly.

He giggles and points towards the tunnel where my very frazzled wife seems to be. I chuckle as I carry him over to the love of my life, "Hey Em". She gives me a quick kiss along with an apologetic smile, "Sorry I stopped to talk to Tierna for one second and he ran off". I prop him back up on my hip, "It's okay. He just got a little excited didn't you?"

He nods and giggles while I pass him over to Emily, "I need to go warm up but I'll see you in a bit yeah?" Emily smiles and nod and gives me one last kiss. I look at my son, "And you!" I point at him, "Stay with mommy okay? Don't want you getting lost now". He nods happily and I kiss his head before jogging back to the team.

I share my last few laughs in the dressing room as we get ready for the match. The final match of my professional career. After today I retire to look after Benny along with Emily who already retired recently as well. I was handed the captains arm band before we line up and before I went out into the tunnel I gave the dressing room one last look as a player before heading out.

We walk out onto field where they hold a small ceremony for me and give me an honorary commemorative jersey with my number of caps on the back and bring Emily, Benny and her parents onto the field for pictures. The crowd cheers as I kiss Emily and Benny before returning back to the team. And so started the final match of my career against England.


The ball went out of play in around the 65th minute but the game was temporarily stopped as the ref below his whistle. I look over to the side line and see my number in red. I have a sad smile on my face as the fans are on their feet clapping and cheering.

I made my way around the field saying goodbye to my teammates one by one. When I get to Mal I hand off the arm band and strap it onto her bicep and give her one last hug before I jog off the field.

When I get to the sideline Emily and Benny are already waiting there for me. Emily let's Benny down on his feet and he runs to me and I pick him up and hug him tight. I walk over to Emily and take her in a hug as well and kiss her temple.

"Are you sure you want to retire now? You could still go for a few more years I'd say. You could just be like I was just joking and I'm not leaving!" Emily asks but I chuckle and shake my head, "No I think now's the right time. I want to be able to spend time with my family. Maybe even expand in the future". Emily licks her lips, "Are you really for sure though? You always look so free when your playing. You always look your happiest on a pitch". But I just shake my head and kiss her,

"I'm at my happiest when I'm with you and our son".

And sadly this is the end of the book. Honestly I am actually pretty proud of this book. I mean this was never planned I originally wrote this as an imagine for my other book and then I posted it. It seemed like a lot of people liked it and asked for it to be made into a book. So I started expanding on the idea and bam here we are. So I'm kinda proud that I got this done without any planning before hand. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the story and thank you all for your support that you've given on this book. Until next time, bye!!

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