Thinking About the Future

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"Are you ready yet? We have to be going soon!" "Yeah just two seconds!"

I glance down at my watch tapping my foot against the wall I was leaning on. I quickly check that I have all my things in my bag and just as I'm finishing I hear Emily coming towards me, "Okay now I'm ready". "Good I want to get there early" I tell her grabbing my keys.

"Why is that?" She asks as I lock the door behind us. "Well the reason I came back early from camp is because Arsenal found out about a little girl who absolutely worships Arsenal but she's in hospital and is really sick. But apparently Viv and I are her favourite players. So I came back early and we surprised her at the hospital. We also got her tickets to tonight's game and so she's going to walk out with me" I explain.

"That's really sweet. Now I feel bad for being sad about you leaving early" Emily smiles. "Her name is Avery she is really sweet and very cute. And when she met me she actually asked me about you" I laugh. "Ohhh can I meet her?" Emily squeals. I smile as I look at her from the corner of my eye, "We'll see. She's pretty shy when you first meet her but she's really talkative when she warms up to you".

We keep talking until we pull up to the stadium and we get out of the car. "Okay so here is your ticket. I got you close to the field and hopefully you won't get swarmed but the security how your here so if that happens they will be there to help" I tell her. "Oh now I feel all important. Do I get a bodyguard as well?" She jokes. "Well if anyone messes with you I'll deal with them" I smile. She snorts, "What are you going to do? Stare at them with that cute glare? Your too smol to do any damage".

"Hey!" I huff, "I can be intimidating if I want to be!" Emily purses her lips together in a tight smile trying to hold in her laughter. I roll my eyes and hit her shoulder, "Shut up". We get to the tunnel and I turn back to her, "Okay I need to go get ready". She playful pouts at me, "I'll miss you". I roll my eyes, "I think you'll be fine. Now I gots to go". I turn around and start walking towards the dressing room when she calls behind me and jogs up to me, "What is it?" "You forgot something" she grins.

I tilt my head as I think and look at my bag, "What is it?" She leans in and places a slow firm kiss on my lips, "Okay now you can go". "Your such a sap" I giggle as I push her away. "You love it" she chuckles as she starts walking away. "That I do" I call at her. "I love you!" She shouts back at me. I shake my head and start walking into the dressing room, "I love you too!".

I walk to my cubbie and sit down and start t get ready. "Who do you love?" Daan asks as she sit down beside me. I smile as I take out my boots, "Emily". Daan raises and eyebrow at me, "As in Sonnett? She's here?" "Yeah she surprised me after training the other day. She's actually watching the match today" I grin.

"Does that mean you worked everything out?" She nudges me. "Yeah" I smile. "That's good. We all like Happy Tori" she laughs slinging her arm over my shoulder. "Good to know" I laugh, "now cmon we have to go warm up". We get up and link arms as we walk out onto the pitch.

Towards the end of our warm up I heard someone call my name, "Tori!" I trap the ball before turning around and see Avery coming towards me. I quickly pass the ball off to Beth before jogging towards her, "Avery!" I bend down and scoop her up in a hug as she giggles when I spin her around. "You excited for the game?" She nods her head furiously, "Yeah! I can't wait to see you as Viv score!" I laugh, "Well I'm going to score one just for you now".

I put Avery on my hip when Viv jogs over to us, "Hey buddy, hey Avery. How you doing?" Avery smiles and leans over to give Viv a quick hug with me still holding her, "I'm good. I'm happy to be here". "Now Viv Avery wants us both to see both of us score today now" I say with a smirk. "We'll score just for you then Avery" Viv smiles. Avery beams at the two of us and high fives Viv.

Viv and I introduce Avery to the team before we have to go inside and get changed for the match. When we're ready we line up in the tunnel and I hold out my hand to Avery, "You ready?" She slips her tiny hand in mine, "Yep". And with that we start walking out onto the field for the game.


Emily's Pov

I don't think the smile ever left my face when the match started. From the get go she had a smile plastered on her face as she dribbled around players and connected passes. T was the first to draw blood as she opened up the scoreboard in the first 20 minutes and then later assisted Viv with her's.

My heart nearly burst out of my chest when I saw Tori point to a little girl, who I'm guessing is Avery, after she scored her goal. The game ended with Arsenal winning 3-0 with Viv getting another goal.

After the teams shakes hands I could see Tori run over to the sideline and helped the little girl into the pitch and started talking to her for a bit. She grabbed a ball and started playing with her on the field. First they started passing the ball while talking and then Tori "tried" to get the ball off her but ended up being nugmegged and then fell dramatically to the ground.

The little girl jumped on top of Tori and hugged her still lying in the ground. She got up and carried her to her teammates as she started talking to Miedema. While the kid was distracted, Tori motioned me to come down. I smile as I get down to the pitch and Tori meets me and takes my hands guiding me towards the little girl. "Hey Avery there is someone I would like you to meet" Tori smiles as she picks her up again. Avery's eyes widen when they land on me and her mouth drops open. The girls and I laugh as I say hello.

We stay on the field for a while longer and Avery somehow ends up on my back with me giving her a piggyback. Tori jumps on Viv's back, "We'll race ya to the sideline". I run to the sideline with Avery shouting, "Giddy up" on my back while Viv chases after us but we obviously win. Tori playfully whines as Viv rolls her eyes and drops her on the ground.

"Ouch" Tori winces as she sits up but Viv just grins and shrugs. I sit down beside her and Avery gets off my back and climbs into Tori's lap. "Okay so before you go, we have one last surprise for you" Tori smiles at Avery. She gets up and helps me up as well as Viv and the rest if the team walk out with a jersey, "We all signed the jersey so you could remember today". Avery starts to tear up as she tackles Tori in a hug, "Thank you". "Your very welcome Avery" Tori smiles.

The whole team take a picture with Avery before they wave goodbye as she leaves with her parents. Opting to shower at home, Tori just grabs her stuff before we walk back to the car. "You were really good with her today" I smile. She shrugs but a smile still evident on her face, "I always like interacting with fans. Especially if they're as cute as her".

She drives us back to her apartment and the whole time I just remember how she acted with Avery the whole day. And I can't help imagine her with a kid of our own in the future.


I snap my head up at look at her as she's looking at me. We were already pulled up at her apartment, "You okay? You zoned out there for a bit" I nod, "Yeah I'm fine". We got inside but she stops me in the living room as she wraps her arms around my neck not letting me go anywhere, "See the last time you didn't talk to me, it ended in a screaming match. So why don't you tell me what had your head in the clouds".

My hands find purchase on her hips as I just smile down at her, "Seeing you with Avery just made me think about the future". "Oh and what does that entail?" She asks as she plays with the hair at the nape of my neck. "You playing with kids out our own. Them being perfect just like you" I sigh picturing it in my head. "The trouble they would cause with you as their mother" she giggles as she quickly gives me a peck. "Do you want kids in the future?" I ask. She just smiles up at me before whispering to me,

"I want to have everything with you".

The end is coming soon 😭 I have a few idea left which means a few chapters left but we're coming up to the end of the the book. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Until next time, bye!!!

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